Using Data Mining
In AcuityLogic BackOffice, you can use data mining to generate patient lists based on specific parameters. After you use data mining to generate a patient list, you can export the list as an Excel or PDF file or print address labels for the patients to send correspondence.
This section explains how to use data mining in AcuityLogic BackOffice.
Topics include the following:
To create a patient list using data mining
- Click Correspondence and select DataMining.
- In the Data Mining window, click New DataMining.
- In the Description field, enter a name.
- In the DataMining From and DataMining To fields, use the calendar icon to select a date range.
- Select the Email Only check box to include only patients with email selected as their communication preference in their profile.
- Click the Insert (green check mark) icon.The Is Test File check box is not used for data mining.
- Click the Parameters link.
- In the DataMining Parameters Values table, click the Edit (pencil) icon next to the parameter you want to add:
- Age: Enter the age range of patients to include.
- Axis: Enter the axis range from the prescriptions of the patients to include.
- CLStyle: Select the contact lens style from the prescriptions of the patients to include.
- CPTCodes: Select the CPT codes recorded on the exams of the patients to include.
- Cylinder: Enter the cylinder range from the prescriptions of the patients to include.
- DiagCode1, DiagCode2: Select the primary and secondary diagnosis codes recorded on the exams of the patients to include.
- Insurance: Select the insurance carrier used by the patients to include.
- Office: Select the offices' patients to include.
- Sphere: Enter the sphere range from the prescriptions of the patients to include.
- To add a parameter, ensure that you click Save after you enter the parameter details.
- To exit a parameter detail window without adding the parameter, click Return.
- The parameter details you add appear in the Value, Detail Value, and Additional Value columns in the DataMining Parameter Values table.
- To update a parameter, click the Edit (pencil) icon next to the parameter.
- To remove a parameter, click the Delete icon next to the parameter.
- Click Return to close the DataMining Parameter Values window.
AcuityLogic automatically generates the patient list when you close the DataMining Parameter Values window.
To edit or delete a data mining entry, click the Edit (pencil) icon or Delete icon.
The Run Date and Patient Count columns are not used in the Data Mining window and remain blank after the patient list is generated. - To review the patients included in the survey results, click the Expand (plus) icon next to the survey.
To export data mining results
- Create a patient list using data mining. See To create a patient list using data mining.
- Click the following icons to export the data mining results:
- Generates an Excel version of the data mining results (DataMiningDetails.xls).
- Generates a PDF version of the datamining results (DataMiningDetails.pdf).
- Generates a PDF with the addresses in label format of the patients included in the data mining results (DataMiningDetails.pdf).
To copy a data mining entry
- Create a data mining entry. See To create a patient list using data mining.
- Click the Copy link next to the data mining entry.
- In the confirmation message, click OK to copy the entry.
- Update the data mining entry details or parameters as needed.