Recalculating Commissions or Productivity in AcuityLogic BackOffice

In AcuityLogic BackOffice, you can recalculate commissions or productivity if they were calculated incorrectly. You may need to recalculate commissions or productivity for the following reasons:

  • If the commission or productivity category was not added or modified in AcuityLogic on the correct date, you can recalculate to apply the rule retroactively.
  • If the commission or productivity category was not set up correctly, you can recalculate to reflect the correct rule retroactively.
The Item Sales button in the Productivity/Commissions Recalculation window is not currently used and has no functionality.

To recalculate commissions or productivity

  1. Click KPI and select KPI Recalculation.

    The Productivity/Commissions Recalculation window opens.

  2. From the Select Commission drop-down list, deselect the All check box.
  3. Select the check boxes for the commission or productivity categories you want to recalculate.
    Recalculating commissions or productivity can be an intensive process. It recalculates the commissions or productivity for all associates for the given category and the given date range. Select only the categories that you must recalculate.
  4. To specify the date range, use the calendar icons to specify the period's start and end dates.
  5. Click Recalculate.

    AcuityLogic recalculates the commissions or productivity and displays a message when the calculation is complete.

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