Running E-Time Reports in AcuityLogic BackOffice

You can generate a report for a specified week that show the total regular, overtime, and other hour types for each employee whose E-Time is tracked at a particular office. The report also shows the total combined hours of all employees listed in the report. The information in the report is current as of the time the report is run. The run date is printed at the top of the report.

To generate an E-Time report for multiple weeks, use the E-Time Detailed Report.

To run E-Time reports

  1. Click E-Time and select Manage.
  2. In the Manage window, use the date field’s arrow buttons to specify the end date of the week whose records you want to print.
  3. From the Office drop-down list, select the office whose records you want to print.
  4. Click Print.

    The ETime Weekly Report is displayed in a browser window.

    You can download the report in PDF format or print it from the browser.

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