Scheduling Nonpatient Appointments in the Multiple Schedule View in AcuityLogic BackOffice

To mark a doctor or nonperson resource as in the office but busy with an appointment or event that is not with a patient, you can create a nonpatient appointment. For example, if a doctor is scheduled to meet with a frames representative in the office at 10:00 a.m. for 30 minutes, you can create a 30-minute nonpatient appointment for the doctor at 10:00 a.m.

To schedule nonpatient appointments in the Multiple Schedule View

  1. Open the Multiple Schedule View. See Opening and Navigating the Multiple Schedule View in AcuityLogic BackOffice.
  2. Click the Schedule link to schedule an appointment.

    The Schedule Appointment window opens.

  3. From the Resource drop-down list, select the doctor or resource if the correct resource is not already selected.
  4. (Optional) In the Start Date field, update the date of the nonpatient appointment.
  5. (Optional) In the Start Time field, update the nonpatient appointment start time.
  6. (Optional) In the Duration field, update the nonpatient appointment duration (in minutes).

    The appointment duration can be determined by different settings in AcuityLogic Admin and AcuityLogic POS. The appointment duration defaults to those duration settings in this order:

    1. Service template
    2. Exam Minutes in office employee profile
    3. Exam Minutes in company employee profile
  7. To add a note that explains the reason for the nonpatient appointment:
    1. Click Add Note.

      The Add Appointment Note window opens.

    2. In the Note Detail field, enter the note.
    3. Select the Urgent or Followup check boxes if necessary.
    4. Click Save to close the window and continue scheduling the nonpatient appointment.
  8. Click OK to save the nonpatient appointment.

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