Improving Billing Workflow Time-Out Process
This section explains how to improve the billing workflow time-out process in your system.
To improve the billing workflow time-out process
- In AcuityLogic X-Link, click Partners, and select Blink or Alogic Service.
- In the Integration table, disable the nightly Workflow Timeout Process.
- In the upper-right table header, click Add New Integration.
- From the drop-down list in the Add Integration window, select Daily Process, and then click OK.
The Add New Integration window opens.
- In the Integration Name field on the Integration tab, enter Workflow Timeout Process Daily.
- Click Next.
- In the Scheduling tab, set the following run times:
- Every 1 hour
- On every day
- From 5:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
- Click Next.
- In the Configuration tab, enter the following values:
- Source Directory: *WorkflowTimeoutProcessDaily
- Assembly (optional): Claims.Payments
- Click Save.
- In the Integration table, find the new integration, and click its play button to activate it.
The new Workflow Timeout Process Daily integration successfully changes the status of all Billed claims to Timed Out 60 days after the claims are billed, with these exceptions:
- If you edit the receivables of a Billed line item in a claim, the line item's status changes to Ready to Bill. Sixty days after the claim’s billed date, the new timed-out integration changes the status of all the remaining Billed line items in the claim to Timed Out, but it does not change the status of the Ready to Bill line item.
- If you manually change the status of the Ready to Bill line item to Billed in the preceding example, the date of the manual change becomes the claim's new billed date, and the time-out integration does not update the status of any Billed line items in the claim until 60 days after the new billed date.