Mapping Shipping Methods for the Contact Lens Interface

In addition to contact lens style and color, your contact lens supplier must understand which shipping method is requested on an order.

  • You must map shipping methods only if you use the Optiport integration. If you use the Eyefinity-ABB integration, the shipping methods are already mapped.
  • For multitenant environments, the following setup can be performed only by administrators of the parent company and is required only for the parent company. The parent company setup applies to all companies.

To map shipping methods for the contact lens interface

  1. In AcuityLogic Admin, click Product and select Other Items.
  2. From the Item Type drop-down list, select Shipping.
  3. To narrow the number of shipping methods displayed, select a shipping method from the Item Name drop-down list.
  4. Click the Map Partners link.

    The Partner Mapping window opens.

  5. Find your contact lens supplier, and click the Edit link.

    The Code fields appear.

  6. In the Code 1 field, enter the name that the contact lens supplier uses for this shipping method.
    • Your contact lens supplier will give you a list of shipping names. If the name is not entered exactly as it appears on the list, the contact lens supplier will not understand which shipping method you selected.
    • Map your contracted standard shipping method to “Standard” in the Code 1 field. If you select Standard on an Optiport order or if you leave the shipping method blank, the standard shipping method is used.
  7. Click Update.
  8. To close the Partner Mapping window, click Return.

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