Selecting a View Order

Most items that you set up in the Master Data Admin module are assigned a view order (or show on screen value), which determines the order of items in a drop-down list. For example, if you add the Board Defective item with a view order of 2 to the Inventory Transfer Reasons drop-down list:

For multitenant environments, the following setup can be performed only by administrators of the parent company and is required only for the parent company. The parent company setup applies to all companies.

All Transfer Reason drop-down lists display Board Defective as their second selection:

If you assign the same view order to multiple items in a drop-down list, the items appear together in alphabetical order. For example, if you modify the Preferred Language drop-down list and assign a view order of 2 to multiple languages:

The items are displayed together in alphabetical order in a drop-down list:

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