Setting Up Appointment Reminders
This section explains how to create and copy the following appointment reminders:
- Service reminders: Use these to restrict the number of appointments you can schedule for specific services.
- Insurance reminders: Use these to restrict the number of appointments you can schedule for patients covered by specific insurance carriers.
If your preferences allow overrides for service and insurance warnings, you can still schedule appointments despite service or insurance restrictions. See Setting Up Appointment Scheduler Preferences.
Topics include the following:

- Open the Company Offices window. See Opening the Company Offices Window.
- Click the Reminders link.
The Appointment Reminders Setup window opens.
- In the Service Reminders tab, click Add Service Reminder.
- In the new row, select the service to restrict from the Service column drop-down list.
- From the Resource column drop-down list, select a resource to apply the restriction to.
- In the How Many field, enter the maximum number of times to schedule the service during a specified time period.
- From the Per drop-down list, select the time period to which the restriction applies (Appointment, Day, Week, or Month).
- In the Reminder field, enter the message that appears in the reminder.
- Click Insert.
- To close the window, click Return.

- Open the Company Offices window. See Opening the Company Offices Window.
- Click the Reminders link.
The Appointment Reminders Setup window opens.
- In the Service Reminders tab, click Edit in the row of the reminder to edit.
- Modify the components of the reminder as necessary.
- Click Update.
- To close the window, click Return.

- Open the Company Offices window. See Opening the Company Offices Window.
- Click the Reminders link.
The Appointment Reminders Setup window opens.
- In the Service Reminders tab, click Copy Reminders.
- From the To Office drop-down list, select the offices to copy the service reminders to.
- Click Copy.
The window closes.

- Open the Company Offices window. See Opening the Company Offices Window.
- Click the Reminders link.
The Appointment Reminders Setup window opens.
- In the Insurance Reminders tab, click Add Insurance Reminder.
- In the new row, select the carrier to restrict from the Insurance column drop-down list.
- From the Resource column drop-down list, select a resource to apply the restriction to.
- In the How Many field, enter the maximum number of times to schedule the carrier during a specified time period.
- From the Per drop-down list, select the time period to which the restriction applies (Appointment, Day, Week, or Month).
- In the Reminder field, enter the message that appears in the reminder.
- Click Insert.
- To close the window, click Return.

- Open the Company Offices window. See Opening the Company Offices Window.
- Click the Reminders link.
The Appointment Reminders Setup window opens.
- In the Insurance Reminders tab, click Edit in the row of the reminder to edit.
- Modify the components of the reminder as necessary.
- Click Update.
- To close the window, click Return.

- Open the Company Offices window. See Opening the Company Offices Window.
- Click the Reminders link.
The Appointment Reminders Setup window opens.
- In the Insurance Reminders tab, click Copy Reminders.
- From the To Office drop-down list, select the offices to copy the insurance reminders to.
- Click Copy.
The window closes.