Setting Up Account Numbers and Names
You can add or modify general ledger account numbers and names. If you received AcuityLogic with preset accounts, you can update the accounts with your company’s account numbers and names.
For multitenant environments, the following setup must be completed for each company. The parent company setup is not automatically applied to individual companies.
To set up account numbers and names
- In AcuityLogic Admin, click Company and select Types/Reference.
- In the Types/References window, click the GL Account link.
- In the General Ledger Accounts window, click Add to add a new account or click Edit to modify an existing account.
- Type the account number in the Account Number field.
All account numbers must have the same number of digits.
- Type the account name in the Account Name field.
- Click Insert to save a new account or click Update to save changes to an existing account.
- Click Return to close the window.