Setting Up Pricing Options for Individual Companies
For multitenant environments, administrators with access to AcuityLogic Admin for the parent company can complete the setup for pricing options for all companies. After the initial setup is complete, pricing options created for all companies can be assigned to offices in individual companies. If necessary, the following procedures can be used to set up pricing options for individual companies. The pricing options created for individual companies can be assigned to offices in that company only.
Administrators of the parent company can create and modify pricing options for all companies from the Product menu. See Creating and Modifying Pricing Options.
This section explains how to set up pricing options for individual companies.
Topics include the following:
To create pricing options
- In AcuityLogic Admin, click Company and select Product Mapping.
- In the Products window, click the Pricing Option link for a company.
- In the Pricing Option window, click Create New.
- In the Pricing Option Schedule window, enter a name in the Pricing Option Name field.
- Enter or select a start date for the pricing option in the Start Date field.
- (Optional) Enter or select an end date for the pricing option in the Termination Date field.
- Select the Active check box to make the pricing option active.
- Click Save & Return.
To add pricing option schedules
- In AcuityLogic Admin, click Company and select Product Mapping.
- In the Products window, click the Pricing Option link for a company.
- In the Pricing Option window, search for a pricing option using the available search criteria.
- Click the Add Schedule link for a pricing option.
- In the Pricing Options Schedule window, select an item type in the Item Type drop-down list and click Add.
- In the Edit Schedule window, select an item group or item name in the Item Group or Item Name drop-down lists.
- If you are adding a schedule for eyeglass lenses such as lens base type or material addon, select a base lens from the Base Lens drop-down list.
- If you are adding a schedule for frames that is only applicable to a specific price range, enter the minimum and maximum dollar amount of the eligible frames in the Min Amount and Max Amount fields. If the method is applicable to all frames, leave the Min Amount and Max Amount fields blank.
- Select Discount Item in the Method drop-down list.
- Select one of the following discount calculation options in the Discount Type drop-down list:
- None: No discount applies.
- Discount %: Type the percentage of the discount.
- Discount amount: Type the dollar amount of the discount.
- Charge Amount: Type the dollar amount to be charged.
- Call for Charge Amount: There is a specific amount to be charged, but the amount is unknown or the amount varies between patients. This method prompts the user to enter the amount to be charged.
- Multi Level Discount $: The dollar amount of the discount depends on the price level of the item. For example, an item type that retails for $100-$150 may receive one discount, while the same item type that retails for $151-$200 may receive another discount. For each level, type the maximum retail price in the Discount Level fields, and type the dollar amount of the discount in the Retail Limit fields.
- Multi Level Discount %: The percentage of the discount depends on the price level of the item. For example, an item type that retails for $100-$150 may receive one discount, while the same item type that retails for $151-$200 may receive another discount. For each level, type the maximum retail price in the Discount Level fields, and type the percentage of the discount in the Retail Limit fields.
- Multi Level Mix: The schedule offers both a dollar and percentage discount. Set up the discount similarly to how you set up the Multi Level Discount $ and Multi Level Discount %, as described in the bullet points above.
- Click Save.
- Click Save & Return on the Pricing Option Schedule window to save the pricing option schedule.
To assign pricing option schedules to offices
- In AcuityLogic Admin, click Company and select Product Mapping.
- In the Products window, click the Pricing Option link for a company.
- In the Pricing Option window, search for a pricing option using the available search criteria.
- Click the Expand icon to show the schedules for a pricing option.
- Click the Assign Offices link in the Schedule Name table for the schedule that you want to assign.
- In the Pricing Option Office Schedules window, click Add Office and select the office that you want to assign the schedule to in the Office drop-down list.To assign the schedule to all office locations, click Add All Offices and click OK in the confirmation message window.
- Click the Insert link to assign the schedule to the selected office.
- Click Done to close the Pricing Option Office Schedules window.
To export pricing option schedules
- In AcuityLogic Admin, click Company and select Product Mapping.
- In the Products window, click the Pricing Option link for a company.
- In the Pricing Option window, search for a pricing option using the available search criteria.
- Click the Expand icon to show the schedules for a pricing option.
- Click the Export link in the Schedule Name table to export the schedule.
The pricing option schedule is exported to Microsoft Excel.