Closing Payroll in AcuityLogic BackOffice
At the end of the each week, you can close payroll for each office in your company. You can close payroll for a single office or close payroll for multiple offices. This section explains how to close payroll in AcuityLogic BackOffice.
Topics include the following:

- Click E-Time and select Manage.
- In the Manage window, use the date field’s arrow buttons to specify the end date of the week whose payroll you want to close.
- From the Office drop-down list, select the office whose payroll you want to close.
- Click Payroll Close.You do not have to close E-Time before you close payroll. If you close payroll for an office where E-Time has not been closed, AcuityLogic closes E-Time and payroll. For information on closing E-Time, see Closing E-Time in AcuityLogic BackOffice.
- In the confirmation message, click OK to close payroll for the selected week.
The Payroll Close button disappears.
The name of the person who closed payroll and the date on which it was closed are added to the window.
A message appears in the window stating that payroll is closed for the specified office for this week.

- Click E-Time and select Etime Close.
- In the ETime Close window, use the date field's arrow buttons to specify the end date of the week whose payroll you want to close.
For the selected week, the following information displays in the table:
- Office: Office number and name.
- Closed: E-time status for the office. A selected check box indicates E-Time has been closed.
- Close Date: Date and time that E-Time was closed.
- Closed By: Employee that closed E-Time.
- Pushed: Payroll status for the office. A selected check box indicates payroll has been closed.
- Pushed Date: Date and time that payroll was closed.
- Pushed By: Employee that closed payroll.
- Click Push ETime to close payroll for the offices where E-Time has been closed. For information on closing E-Time, see Closing E-Time in AcuityLogic BackOffice.