Generating the Contract Doctor Pay Report

If your company set up doctor pay rules and assigned the pay rules to specific doctors, you can generate the Contract Doctor Pay Report in AcuityLogic POS to review the rules a doctor qualified for during a specified time period. For more information, see Setting Up Doctor Payments.

To generate the report

  1. Open the Associate window. See Opening the Associate Window.
  2. Click the Contract Dr Pay Report tab.
  3. Select the doctor in the Associate drop-down list.

    You must select the Contractor check box in the Employee window in AcuityLogic Admin for the doctor to appear in the drop-down list.

  4. In the date range fields, specify the start and end dates of the period to view.
  5. Click Search.

    The report displays the details for each qualifying transaction for the doctor during the specified time period. Details include the transaction date, order number, office number, patient name, exam type, transaction number, transaction type, patient paid amount, and insurance used if applicable.

  6. To generate a PDF version of the report, click Export to PDF.

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