Setting Your Personal MIPS Preferences

You can change whether Eyefinity EHR automatically counts CCDs received toward MIPS calculations. The CCD Received indicator appears next to finalized exams in the patient's chart.

Here's how to change the default behavior:

  1. Log into the Eyefinity EHR web application.
  2. Click Preferences in the upper-right corner of the page.
  3. Scroll down the page until you see MIPS Preferences.
  4. Select an option according to your preference.
    YesPatient visits marked as a transition of care will not automatically credited for receiving a CCD. To manually indicate that a CCD was received, open the patient's chart, locate the finalized exam and click CCD Received: No to toggle it to yes.
    NoCCDs received are automatically counted toward MIPS calculations. To manually indicate that a CCD was not received, open the patient's chart, locate the finalized exam and click CCD Received: Yes to toggle it to no.
  5. Click Save.