Reviewing Reflex UBM & Foresee PHP Images

All Reflex UBM and Foresee PHP image file names must contain the patient’s Encompass ID number.

  • Reflex UBM image file names must use this naming convention:
    Last,First YYMMDD
  • Foresee PHP image file names must use this naming convention:

If file names from your device do not contain the patient ID, contact Reichert support.

  1. Ensure that Encompass is open.
  2. Create a blank exam, or open a saved exam for a patient whose images you previously captured.
  3. In the Encompass chart window, click the Interfaces icon, and select Reichert:UBM Image Review or Reichert:PHP Image Review.

    The UBM Images or PHP Images window opens and displays a list of images.

  4. Double-click a row to display and review an image.