Setting Up the Optovue Interface
This section includes the following topics:
- Setting Up the Capture & Review Folders
- Setting Up the Capture Workstation
- Setting Up Review Workstations
Setting Up the Capture & Review Folders
- On the computer on which Encompass and the Optovue equipment are installed, navigate to the Encompass directory, usually OfficeMate or OMATE32.
- Create an empty capture folder based on the Optovue equipment that you use:
If you use . . . Create this capture folder . . . Optovue XR Avanti OptovueAvantiCapture Optovue iCam OptovueiCamCapture Optovue iFusion
Optovue iScan OptovueiScanCapture Optovue iVue
When you first use the interface, the review folders are automatically created.
- See Setting Up the Capture Workstation and then Setting Up Review Workstations.
Setting Up the Capture Workstation
Perform the following steps on the computer connected to the Optovue equipment:
- Download and extract the following zipped files at
- CreatePatient.exe
- mfc100.dll.exe
- msvcp100.dll
- msvcr100.dll
- Copy the files that you downloaded to the following folder:
If you use . . . Create this capture folder . . . Optovue iCam C:\icam\bin Optovue iVue, iScan, or iFusion C:\ivue\bin Optovue XR Avanti
- In the main Encompass window, click Tools, select Equipment Integration Setup, and select Equipment Interface Setup.
The Eyefinity Equipment Interface Setup window opens.
- Click Add.
- Select the Optovue manufacturer and an Optovue Capture device.
- Click Add.
The settings and options appear.
- (Optional) Enter a Device Nickname.
- Click Browse, and select the capture folder (Optovue Capture Folder) that you created in Setting Up the Capture & Review Folders.
- Click Save.
- Close the Eyefinity Equipment Interface Setup window.
- See Setting Up Review Workstations.
Setting Up Review Workstations
Perform the following steps on these workstations:
Every workstation on which Optovue retinal images will be reviewed
The Windows-embedded workstation connected to the Optovue equipment
Although you cannot review Optovue images in Encompass on the same workstation that you use to capture them, you must set up the review interface both on the workstation you use to capture images and on the workstations you use to review images.
- In the main Encompass window, click Tools, select Equipment Integration Setup, and select Equipment Interface Setup.
The Eyefinity Equipment Interface Setup window opens.
- Select the Optovue Review checkbox next to the review equipment that you’re setting up.
- Browse to the review folder that you created in Setting Up the Capture & Review Folders.
- Do not modify any of the default settings in the Data Source, Data File Start Chars, and Data File End Chars fields.
- Click Add.
- Select the Optovue manufacturer and an Optovue Review device.
- Click Add.
The settings and options appear.
- (Optional) Enter a Device Nickname.
- Click Save.
- Close the Eyefinity Equipment Interface Setup window.