Using the AL-200, AL-500, AL-700, AT-555, PT-100, Reichert 7, Reichert 7CR, LensChek, & OptoChek Devices

This topic explains how to use the following Reichert devices with Encompass:

  • AL-200
  • AL-500
  • AL-700
  • AT-555
  • PT-100
  • Reichert 7
  • Reichert 7CR
  • LensChek
  • OptoChek

To use the Reichert devices listed above with Encompass

  1. Open Encompass.
  2. Create a blank exam, or open a saved exam for an existing patient.
  3. In the Encompass chart window, click the Interfaces icon.
  4. Select the device that corresponds to your Reichert equipment.

    The Eyefinity Equipment Interface window opens and displays the following message: Waiting on Exam Data fromDeviceName.

  5. Use the Reichert equipment to perform the examination or tests.
  6. At the end of the examination or tests, the Eyefinity Equipment Interface window closes, and the data captured by the Reichert equipment is transmitted automatically from the device to the patient exam.

    If the information is not automatically transmitted at the end of the examination or tests, press the Print button on the Reichert equipment.

  7. View the data as follows:
    • To view the Reichert AL-200, AL-500, AL-700, LensChek, or OptoChek data, go to the Vision/Rx > Spectacle tab in the patient’s exam record.

    • To view the AT-555, PT-100, Reichert 7, or Reichert 7CR data, go to the Exam - Special Tests tab in the patient’s exam record.