Using the Auto Phoroptor RS, Phoroptor VRx, SightChek, & Visutron900
- Open Encompass.
- Create a blank exam, or open a saved exam for an existing patient.
- In the Encompass chart window, click the Interfaces icon.
- If you use an Auto Phoroptor RS, Phoroptor VRx, SightChek, or Visutron900 device, do the following:
- If the device is not linked to an autorefractor or lensometer, select Reichert:Auto Phoroptor Input.
- If the device is linked to an autorefractor or lensometer, skip to step 11.
The Reichert Rx window opens.
- Select the Auto-Refraction or Presenting Spectacle Rx option to send data to the Reichert equipment.
- Click Send.
The data is sent to the Reichert equipment, and the Reichert Launch file status dialog box informs you that the Reichert Input file was successfully created.
- Click OK to close the Reichert Launch file status dialog box.
- Use the Reichert equipment to perform the examination or tests.
- To send the data from the Reichert equipment to Encompass, press the COM button on the Reichert equipment.
- In the Encompass chart window, click the Interfaces icon.
- Select Reichert:Auto Phoroptor Output.
The Eyefinity Equipment Interface window opens and displays this message: Waiting on Exam Data from DeviceName.Encompass opens the XML file created by the Reichert equipment to receive the data.
- To view the Reichert equipment data, go to the Manifest group box on the Vision/Rx tab in the patient’s exam chart.