Using the Auto Phoroptor RS, Phoroptor VRx, SightChek, & Visutron900

  1. Open Encompass.
  2. Create a blank exam, or open a saved exam for an existing patient.
  3. In the Encompass chart window, click the Interfaces icon.
  4. If you use an Auto Phoroptor RS, Phoroptor VRx, SightChek, or Visutron900 device, do the following:
    • If the device is not linked to an autorefractor or lensometer, select Reichert:Auto Phoroptor Input.
    • If the device is linked to an autorefractor or lensometer, skip to step 11.

    The Reichert Rx window opens.

  5. Select the Auto-Refraction or Presenting Spectacle Rx option to send data to the Reichert equipment.
  6. Click Send.

    The data is sent to the Reichert equipment, and the Reichert Launch file status dialog box informs you that the Reichert Input file was successfully created.

  7. Click OK to close the Reichert Launch file status dialog box.
  8. Use the Reichert equipment to perform the examination or tests.
  9. To send the data from the Reichert equipment to Encompass, press the COM button on the Reichert equipment.
  10. In the Encompass chart window, click the Interfaces icon.
  11. Select Reichert:Auto Phoroptor Output.

    The Eyefinity Equipment Interface window opens and displays this message: Waiting on Exam Data from DeviceName.Encompass opens the XML file created by the Reichert equipment to receive the data.

  12. To view the Reichert equipment data, go to the Manifest group box on the Vision/Rx tab in the patient’s exam chart.