Using the Huvitz Interface

  1. Ensure Encompass is open.
  2. Create a blank exam, or open a saved exam for an existing patient.
  3. In the Encompass chart window, click the Interfaces icon.
  4. Select Huvitz:DRS3100, Huvitz:MRK3100, or Huvitz:CLM3100.

    The Eyefinity Equipment Interface window opens and displays this message: Waiting on Exam Data from DeviceName.

  5. On the Huvitz CDR-3100 operation panel, press Print.

    The operation panel displays all the recorded data.

  6. On the panel, press Print again.

    The device prints the data and transmits it to Encompass, where it is imported into the patient exam. The Eyefinity Equipment Interface window closes.  

  7. To view the data, go to the Vision/Rx > Spectacle and Binocular tabs in the patient’s exam record.