Using the Topcon Interface

  1. Ensure that the one of the following Topcon products is networked or uses a serial connection to the computer that Encompass is installed on:
    • KB-50/CV-5000 (EXAM-5000)
    • CV-5000S
    • KB-IDS/CV-3000
    • CV-2500
    • Solos

    You can purchase serial cables and serial-to-USB adapter cables from Topcon by calling 800.223.1130.

  2. Ensure that Encompass is open.
  3. Create a blank exam, or open a saved exam for an existing patient.
  4. In the Encompass chart window, click the Interfaces icon.
  5. Select Topcon:KB-1DS/CV3000.

    The Eyefinity Equipment Interface window opens and displays this message: Waiting on Exam Data from DeviceName.

  6. On the operation panel of the Topcon equipment, press Print.

    The data is printed and then imported into the patient exam.

  7. To view the data, go to the Vision/Rx > Spectacle and Binocular tabs in the patient exam.

    To obtain a reading that stereopsis is present when using the Topcon KB-50/CV-5000 (EXAM-5000), CV-5000S, KB-IDS/CV-3000, or CV-2500, the patient must respond to the first orientation (OD 45º/OS 135º) with [F1] (Diffreup) and the second orientation with [F2] (DiffreDepth). This combination of responses is the only combination that transfers “PRES” into the Encompass Stereopsis Dist box. Any other combinations of patient test responses transfers “ABS” into the Encompass Stereopsis Dist box.