Navigating Image Management on the Browser
While you can use Image Management through the iPad app or the web-based application, there are slight differences in navigation and functionality. Watch the following video or take a look at the information below to learn more.
The Image Management screen is separated into three main sections:
A. Navigation Section
The Navigation Bar displays demographic information to help you identify you're working with the correct patient. In addition, the following lists and buttons help you filter through a patient's images:
Date Selector. Filters patient studies by date. Select a checkbox to display all images taken that day.
Device Selector. Filters patient studies by imaging device. Select a checkbox to display all images taken with that device.
Compact View Mode. Organizes the Image Tray into rows that you can slide through to view additional images. This view makes it easy to quickly navigate between different studies.
Multiview Mode. Organizes the Image Tray into a proofsheet, filling the screen with all of a patient's available images. This view is ideal for examining a large series of images next to one another.
New Study Button. Enables you to manually upload images to a patient's chart as part of a new study.
Select All. Selects all images on the screen.
Compare. Brings up a side by side comparison of any images you've selected. If no images are selected, clicking this button will bring up the two most recent studies. While viewing a side by side comparison, you can hover your cursor over an image and use your mouse wheel to scroll through other images from that study.
Gear Icon. Shows you a list of patients on your imaging device(s) that aren't linked to a patient in Encompass due to missing or incorrect information. For example, if you had a patient in Encompass named John Smith that was accidentally entered as "Smith John" on your imaging device, you could match those records so Encompass knows who the images belong to.
This should only be used as a temporary fix. All errors in patient information should be corrected on the device level to prevent future data loss.
B. Patient Studies
The Patient Studies list displays a chronological record of all images taken for the patient. Clicking on a device brings up the images taken with that device on that day.
C. Image Tray
Images are organized into rows based on their date and the device they were taken with here. Clicking an image expands it to a full screen view. You can use the buttons on the row to select all images in the row, create a proofsheet, or add an image to the study.