What's New in Eyefinity EHR 7.1
Released March 24, 2023
This page describes the enhancements, fixes, and known issues in the latest Eyefinity EHR release.
- iPad and Web Enhancements
- iPad-Only Enhancements
- Web-Only Enhancements
- Administration Enhancements
- ePrescribing Enhancements
- Equipment Interface
- Regulatory Enhancements
- Fixed Issues
- Eyefinity EHR 7.1.4 Update
- Eyefinity EHR 7.1.6 Update
Eyefinity EHR will require iPadOS 16. You must install the latest iPadOS 16 updates prior to the April release. Apple does not support iPadOS 16 on the following iPad models:
- iPad Air 2 (model numbers A1566 and A1567, released in 2014, discontinued 2017)
- iPad mini 4th generation (models A1538 and A1550, released in 2015, discontinued 2019)
If you're running Eyefinity EHR or Kiosk on either of these models, you will need to replace them before April.
iPad and Web Enhancements
- This release introduces an optional workflow for cosigned exams. With this setting enabled, if an exam's primary and billing provider are two different users, they must both sign the exam before either user can finalize it. This setting also impacts the bulk finalization process by omitting exams from the bulk finalization process that have not yet been signed by the primary or billing provider. If the primary provider is also the billing provider, there is no change to the finalization process. Instructions for enabling this feature can be found under Administration Enhancements.
- You now have the ability to create a chart note automatically when you complete a task. This features eliminates the additional steps required after completing a task. The eliminated steps included navigating to the patient's chart, filtering by completed tasks, and creating a chart note. Here's how to complete a task and save a chart note:
- Find diagnoses and impressions more quickly. We’ve enhanced our diagnosis search engine in the Ocular Exam to include a more comprehensive list of search results including synonyms, some common misspellings, and some abbreviations. Here's how it works:
- We’ve modernized the display of previous findings, both within and outside the Ocular Exam. The new previous findings has cleaner and more streamlined appearance. We added a “Selected Visits” section to indicate the dates of the visits being pulled forward, as well as a counters that display the number of exams, diagnoses, and plans that were selected within each visit. We updated the filters to make locating these items more efficient.
- We updated the method for calculating days between intravitreal injections so that's consistent with the method used to perform the calculation in the Intravitreal Injection Log.
iPad-Only Enhancements
- We’ve updated multiple areas in the glasses and contacts screens within the Vision Exam to enhance the design and functionality.
- The Final Contacts Rx preview now pairs the OD and OS entries for each data point, as well as repositions the Provider and additional visit details to the top right of the screen.
- The Show/Hide Refractive Measurements drop-down has been resized to enable you to continue to interact with the OD measurements fields while the Refractive Measurements drop-down is open. Previously, the drop-down covered those fields on the OD line.
- We also modernized the look and feel of the Notes and Visual Acuities tab in Final Glasses Rx, Manifest, Cycloplegic, and Retinoscopy Refractions screens within the Vision Exam..
Web-Only Enhancements
- We moved the Equipment Interface button to the main action bar within the visit note. Previously, you had to click the Integrations tab to access the Equipment Interface button.
- We moved the Audio and Video Chat action bar icon from the Actions tab to the More tab. We moved the Audio and Video Chat button to make room for the more-frequently used Equipment Interface button.
- Find specific exams more quickly within the Patient Activity section of the Patient Overview page. We redesigned the filter fields to automatically collapse when you click Apply Filers, giving you a clearer view of the list of exams.
- Restore archived visits without having to open them first. Now you can unarchive a visit directly within the Patient Activity list on the Patient Overview page.
- We updated the layout of the Plans within the ocular exam.
- Tabs are now pinned to the left side of the page, so they are always visible when you scroll. This orientation aligns the plan layout on the web with the iPad app.
- We also added the ability to enter text into drop-down fields to help you quickly locate a selection.
The modernized Plans layout was originally announced in the Eyefinity EHR 6.3 release notes but were held for the 7.1 release.
Administration Enhancements
- A new setting gives practices more control over how cosigned exams are finalized. When the cosignature workflow is enabled, if an exam's primary and billing provider are two different users, they must both sign the exam before either user can finalize it. This setting also impacts the bulk finalization process by omitting exams from the bulk finalization process that have not yet been signed by the primary or billing provider. If the primary provider is also the billing provider, there is no change to the finalization process. Here's how to enable the cosignature workflow:
- Log in to the Eyefinity EHR web application as an administrator.
- Locate the Firm Settings group and click Manage Firm Preferences.
- Locate the Enable Cosignature Workflows setting and select On.
- Click Save.
ePrescribing Enhancements
- The new Sig Builder helps you create structured sig information, thus reducing the ambiguity of instructions for timing, duration, and dosage sent to the pharmacy. This functionality is available for standard and compound medications within the Rx, Favorite Rx, and Protocols screens.
- You may continue to enter sig information by manually typing text in the Sig field to create a nonstructured prescription.
- Any existing Sig stickies are not affected by the structured sig feature.
Here's how to navigate the Sig Builder:
- Select a dispensable drug.
- Select or enter the packaging, location, quantity, and unit information as needed.
- Tap Manage Sig to open Sig Builder.
- Select the Dose and Route, Timing and Duration, and Indication and Max Dosage information as needed.
- Tap Save.
The Sig field displays the label instructions compiled by Sig Builder.
- To make any changes tap Manage Sig again to change your selections, or tap Override Sig to convert the text to nonstructured instructions and edit manually.
Equipment Interface
- Enjoy a speedier equipment integration workflow with the following enhancements:
- We moved the Equipment Interface button to the main action bar within the visit note. Previously, you had to click the Integrations tab to access the Equipment Interface button.
- We removed a pop-up window, saving you a click to dismiss it.
These are just the first few in a series of enhancements designed to streamline the equipment integration workflow.
- The following enhancements were released as part of the Eyefinity Equipment Interface Setup desktop application update released in February:
- The equipment interface will no longer display a success message when images or data are sent to the patient's chart. The success message is now suppressed by default to reduce the number of steps required to capture and send data. To re-enable the success message, double-click the Eyefinity Equipment Interface Setup icon on your Windows desktop and select the Display Success Message check box.
- We resolved an issue that occurred while using the Topcon CV-5000S and caused the manifest near visual acuity values to populate the autorefraction section of the exam.
- We updated the Marco RT-5100 (EPIC 5100) integration to allow ++ and -- DVA values.
Regulatory Enhancements
- The MIPS Report Last Generated timestamp has been standardized so it appears in the same format on each page.
- The MIPS Quality scorecard now presents more accurate calculations based on the latest benchmark data from CMS.
- We’ve upgraded the GPRO section within practice settings with a more streamlined appearance as well as functionality. On the Group Report page, you're now able to enter the name, routing, TIN, reporting year, and email address. In addition, click Add Clinicians to enter eligible clinicians to the group. Once you've added clinicians to the group, you can manage the group by removing members or by authorizing members to submit the report on behalf of the group.
Fixed Issues
- We fixed an issue that caused the visual acuity data preview within the Vision Exam to display differently between the iPad app and the web.
- We fixed an issue that prevented the Event Log from displaying results while the date and user filters were selected. The Event Log is available only to practice administrator accounts.
- We resolved a server error that prevented the Cancer Log from displaying when "Select as Treatment For" was selected.
- You can now save a Cancer Log entry manually without triggering a server error 500.
Eyefinity EHR 7.1.4 Update
Released April 1, 2023
This minor update includes the following enhancements and bug fixes:
- We added billing code Q5128 to the following plans:
- Intravitreal Cimerli 0.3mg
- Intravitreal Cimerli 0.5mg
- We removed G2023 HCPCS from the COVID-19 specimen collection plan.
Eyefinity EHR 7.1.6 Update
Released April 28, 2023
This minor update includes the following enhancements and bug fixes.
New Plans
We added the following plans:
- Durysta
- Preop History and Physical/Preop Medical Assessment
New Plan Options
You may notice the following changes within existing plans:
- In the Cataract Extraction plan, we added a lenses option.
- In the Dry Macular Degeneration Counseling plan, we added an intravitreal injection option.
- In the Intravitreal Injection plan, we added a JW billing option.
- In the Decision to Perform Major Surgery plan, we added YAG Vitreolysis.
- In the Vestibular Tests plan, we added a Videonystagmography (VNG) Testing option.
- In the Treatment Regimen Comprehensive plan > Prescription Drug Management, we added a Moderate Level Risk option
- In the Destruction Conj. Lesion plan, we added a Only Rendered See Separate Procedure Note option.
- In the Exophthalmometer plan, we added a half-increment options and a free text field.
- In the Suprachoroidal Xipere plan, we added laterality modifiers to the 0465T procedure code.
- We added JW/JZ to the following plans:
- Xeomin Medical (U or CC) Additive
- Xeomin Hemifacial Spasm
- Intravitreal Tap and Injection
- Intravitreal Eylea
- In-office Drug Administration
- We added a sticky free-text option for NDC number to the following plans:
- Intralesional Kenalog
- Intralesional Kenalog (Cosmetic)
- In the Postcare tab within certain Intravitreal Injection plans, we added a sticky text box with the default statement "Any residual medication less than one unit has been discarded."
- In the Refractive Consultation plan, we added a custom code option.
- In the Corneal Collagen plan, we added right and left modifiers.
- We added JZ billing to the following plans:
- Intravitreal MVASI Bevacizumab-awwb
- Corneal Collagen Cross-Linking Treatment
- Intravitreal Injection
- We added Modifiers to Billing Tab in the following plans:
- Cataract Extraction with Goniotomy
- Cataract Extraction with ACIOL
- Cataract Extraction with Istent
- Cataract Extraction with ECP
- Cataract Extraction
- Cataract Extraction with Hydrus Microstent