Recording Findings in the iPad App

Buttons are displayed along the side of the Eye Exam Details screen showing the various sections of the eye exam. The default exam set includes findings for external eyes, conjunctiva, cornea, iris, lens, discs, and fundus. When you initially access the eye exam, all sections of the default exam set are set to normal. This saves you time because you only have to record abnormal findings.

To record eye exam findings

  1. Open a patient visit.
  2. Tap one of the following items:
    • Exam on the Action Bar
    • Ocular Exam on the Progress Bar
    • The Ocular Exam tile.

    The Ocular Exam Room opens

  3. Tap the Exam tab.

    A drawer opens.

  4. Tap Eye Exam.

    The Eye Exam Details screen opens.

  5. On the side of the screen, tap the section of the exam for which you want to record your findings.

    The Eye Exam Details screen for that section opens.

  6. If you’re performing this section of the exam, select the check box for the exam description.

    If you’re not performing this section of the exam, clear the check box for the exam description.

    The description for the right and left eye is pre-populated with a description of normal findings.

  7. Accept the default value or edit this field with your findings.
  8. In the OD description and OS description, tap abnormal findings, if any.

    You can tap Copy to OS to copy the ratio for the right eye to the left eye. You can tap Copy to OD to copy the ratio for the left eye to the right eye.

  9. If you have additional findings to record, tap the section of the exam for which you want to record findings.
  10. If you want to view additional sections of the exam, scroll up or down on the buttons.

    Sections with an S next to them are sticky fields.If you change a sticky field, your change is retained for the logged-in user.

  11. If you make an error in recording your findings and want to start over with a blank exam set, tap Reset Exam.
  12. When you finish recording your findings, tap Done with Exam.