Using Copy Forward in the iPad App

Copy Forward is a time saving feature that enables you to create a new visit by using a patient's past visit as a template. You have the option to copy forward individual sections or the complete visit. All you have to do is verify and confirm the copied data for it to be added to the visit note.

To copy forward a past visit

  1. Open the Patient Chart screen and locate a finalized exam.

    Only finalized exams can be copied forward. Preliminary exams can not be copied forward until they are finalized.

  2. Tap Copy Forward.

    A window appears, enabling you to select any/all of the following sections you want to copy forward:

    • Chief Complaint/HPI
    • Review of Systems
    • Vision Exam
    • Eye Exam
    • Diagnoses/Plans
  3. Select the check box for any section(s) you want to copy forward.
  4. Tap Import.

    The Visit Overview screen opens and displays the Exam Progress icons. The orange arrow icons indicate areas of the exam that require confirmation.

  5. Tap the Exam Progress icons or the tile headings to open and review the exam data.

    A confirmation window opens and displays the details that were copied forward.

  6. To edit, add, or remove findings for a particular exam element, tap Edit.
  7. To verify individual elements in the current exam area, tap Confirm.

    To mark that you verified all the information in the current exam area is correct, tap Confirm All.

    You must confirm, or edit and confirm, every element in the exam. You won’t be able to finalize the exam with unconfirmed elements.

    When you tap Edit, Encompass opens that section of the exam. To return to the confirmation window, tap the Overview action bar icon, and tap the section of the exam in which you were working.

  8. Tap Close to close the confirmation window and return to the Visit Overview screen.

    When all elements are confirmed, a green check mark indicates that exam area is complete.

  9. Continue to move through the exam until each section is confirmed.

    You can’t finalize an exam until all exam areas are confirmed.

    In the Vision Exam, the Mark Pupils, VF, and Motility as Normal check mark does not appear even if those elements are all copied forward. The check mark only appears if you reselect it.

    Don’t import previous findings or apply protocols to an exam you've copied forward.

  10. Tap Finalize Visit when you have completed the exam.