Viewing Note Outputs in the iPad App

You can view the Note Outputs to get an overview of the patient’s chart, the vision exam, and the ocular exam. You can also view the patient’s bill, prescriptions, orders, image interpretations, and patient handouts.

To view Note Outputs

  1. Access the Visit Overview screen.
  2. Tap Documents.

    The Available Notes screen appears with the preliminary Visit Note displayed.

    The Visit Note shows the patient history, eye exam, and ocular exam data that has been recorded for the patient for this visit.

    If you can print from your iPad to an AirPrint printer, tap Print to print the displayed visit note.

  3. Tap Encounter Form.

    The Encounter Form appears.

    The Encounter Form shows all of the billing data that has been recorded for the patient for this visit, including the CPT codes and description of service, modifier information, and diagnosis code.

  4. Tap Bill.

    The patient’s bill appears.

    The patient bill shows the bill that will be sent from the practice management system for this visit.

  5. Tap Rx.

    The patient’s medical prescription appears.

    The Rx screen shows the medical prescriptions created for the patient for this visit.

  6. Tap Orders.

    The patient’s orders appear.

    The Orders screen shows any test or surgery orders created during this visit.

  7. Tap Path Req.

    The patient’s pathology request appear.

    The Path Req screen shows any pathology requests created for the patient during this visit.

  8. Tap Image Interp.

    The patient’s image interpretation appear.

    The Image Interp screen shows the image interpretations for tests performed during this visit.

  9. Tap Patient Handout.

    The patient handout appears.

    The patient handout shows patient education information to be provided to the patient for this visit. These are the counseling statements from the counseling plan selected in the Ocular Exam Room.