Bulk Pricing Eyeglass Lens Attributes

You can use bulk pricing to price the Style Addon, Color/Coat Addon, Tint, Edging, Coating, and Misc. Extras attributes. The bulk price applies only to active items.

  1. From the menu, click Products & Services and select Eyeglass Lens Setup. The Eyeglass Lens Setup screen displays.
  2. Select Standard Setup.
  3. Select the Lens Attribute you want to bulk price.
  4. Verify the Active check box is selected for all items you want to bulk price.
  5. Click Price in Bulk at the bottom of the window.
  6. In the Price in Bulk dialog box, enter the Price.

  7. Click Save.
  8. If some items were already priced, a message appears asking you if you want to overwrite the existing prices.
    • Click Yes to overwrite all the existing prices with the new bulk price.
    • Click No to retain the existing prices and bulk price only those items that do not have prices.

    The new bulk price appears in the Retail Price column for all active items on the current page of the results list.

  9. To price items on additional pages, click the appropriate page link at the bottom of the window, and repeat these steps.

  10. When you have priced the items for each page, click Save.