Setting Up Miscellaneous Fees

You can set up and price miscellaneous fees to use in Material Orders.

  1. From the menu, select Products & Services and then Other Items Setup.
  2. Click Miscellaneous Fee Setup.
  3. Record the Miscellaneous Fee Description you want to set up or modify and click Search.

    To search for active repair types only, select Active Only.

  4. Record the Miscellaneous Fee Name that you want to use on orders.
  5. Select an Item Group.
    You cannot create or delete item groups.
  6. If you will bill the miscellaneous fee as a zero-dollar ($0.00) item, select Zero Price?.
  7. Record the item Cost and Price.
  8. Select Active, if necessary, to make the fee active.

  9. Click Save

    To revert your selections to the last saved selections, click Revert.