Understanding Appointment Status and the Status Icons

Appointments can have the following Appointment Statuses:

  • Scheduled - New appointments are automatically set to have the Scheduled status.

  • No Show - Select if the patient does not show up for their appointment.

  • Checked In - Select when the patient arrives for their appointment.

  • Checked Out - Select when the patient checks out. You may want to look to see whether the appointment has the Exam Not Invoiced (red dollar sign) icon, indicating that no invoice has been created for the visit, to make sure you are collecting payment (see Appointment Status Icons, below).

  • Walk In - Select for walk-in patients.

Appointment Status Icons

Icons indicate an appointment's current status, along with other important information about the appointment.


Checked In

Checked Out

Exam Not Invoiced

No Show

Appointment has notes

Patient is a minor
(under 18 years old)

Appointment was scheduled online

Note: If the icon is red instead of blue, the system has flagged the patient as a possible duplicate and their information needs to be reviewed.