Recording Responsible Party Information

The responsible party defaults to Self. You can change it by adding a new responsible party or selecting another patient as the responsible party.

Remember these tips when assigning responsible parties:

  • A responsible party is the person who is responsible for paying the patient’s account bills.
  • If the patient is responsible for paying his or her own account bills, the responsible party is Self.
  • You can assign only one responsible party to a patient.
  • Typically, family members have the same responsible party.
  • If you modify the responsible party’s address, the patient’s address is not modified.
You can check out multiple patients with the same responsible party at the same time using Family Checkout. For more information, see Setting Up Family Checkout.
  1. In the Demographics window, under Responsible Party, click Change.

    The Change Responsible Party search window opens.

  2. Enter the responsible party's information in the search fields.
  3. To include inactive patients in the search results, select Show Inactive.
  4. To include responsible parties that are not patients, select Show Responsible Party.
  5. Click Search.

    The list updates to display the search results.

  6. Select the responsible party from the list or, if no match is found, click + Responsible Party to add a new responsible party to your system,

    The Change Responsible Party information window opens.

  7. If you are adding a new responsible party, select the check boxes under Copy From Patient? to copy information from the patient profile.
  8. Record or edit the remaining information for the responsible party, as necessary.
  9. If the responsible party will also be a patient, select Save as Patient? to create a patient profile for the responsible party.
  10. Click Save.