Delivering Orders
You can set an order's status to Delivered if it is currently in Delayed, In Process, Received or Notified status. If the order has a balance, you have the option to enter a payment when confirming delivery. Orders with Delivered status are excluded from the Undelivered Orders Report.
What do you want to do?
- On the left side of the Demographics screen, click Material Orders.
The Material Orders screen opens.
- Click the Invoiced tab, if it is not already displayed.
- Locate the order you want to deliver in the Invoiced Orders list, and select Deliver from the Actions drop-down list.
The Confirm Delivery for Order window opens.
- Click Deliver.
The order status changes to Delivered.
- On the left side of the Demographics screen, click Material Orders.
The Material Orders screen opens.
- Click the Invoiced tab, if it is not already displayed.
- Locate the order you want to deliver in the Invoiced Orders list, and select Deliver from the Actions drop-down list.
The Confirm Delivery for Order window opens.
- Click Go to Payment.
The Make Payment screen opens.
Enter the payment information and click Make Payment. For detailed instructions, see Entering Payments for Invoiced Orders.
The Process Order window opens.
- Click Yes.
The system records the payment and the invoice opens in a new window for printing. The order status changes to Delivered.
Use Undeliver if you need to change an order's status from Delivered back to In Process.
- On the left side of the Demographics screen, click Material Orders.
The Material Orders screen opens.
- Click the Invoiced tab, if it is not already displayed.
- Locate the order you want to deliver in the Invoiced Orders list, and select Undeliver from the Actions drop-down list.
The order status changes to In Process.