Viewing Transaction Information
Use the Transactions tab in Material Orders to view a list of the patient’s previous transactions, including sales, payments, refunds, and returns.
You can also look up detailed information, such as the payment history, order details, and insurance information associated with each transaction.
What do you want to do?
Use the Transactions tab in Material Orders to view a list of the patient’s previous transactions, including sales, payments, refunds, and returns.
- On the left side of the Demographics screen, click Material Orders.
- Click the Transactions tab.
The Transactions tab displays a list of all the patient's transactions.
- The office number associated with each transaction is displayed in the list. If you do not want to view the office numbers, deselect the Show Office Number check box.
- To view transactions for all patients associated with the same responsible party as the current patient, select the Show All Family Members check box. This feature is available only if your Administrator has enabled Family Checkout.
- To sort the list, click the Transaction #, Payment ID, Transaction Date, Associate, or Order # column heading. You can also sort by Office if you selected the Show Office Number check box, and by Patient, if you selected the Show All Family Members check box.
- To search for a transaction, enter the order number associated with the transaction in the Search transactions by order # text box and click the magnifying glass.
The list updates to display only those transactions associated with the order you entered, sorted by Transaction #. To return to the full list of transactions, click Clear.
- To view the Ledger screen for a transaction, click the Order # link. The Ledger view is not available for Old System Balance and Old System Return transaction types.
You can look up the payment history, order details, and insurance information associated with each transaction.
- On the left side of the Demographics screen, click Material Orders.
- Click the Transactions tab.
The Transactions tab displays a list of all the patient's transactions.
- Locate the transaction in the list and click the green arrow to the left of the Transaction #. Details shown vary by the transaction type.
- For Payment, Refund, Miscellaneous, and Old System Refund transactions, the Payment History displays, including the payment date, ID number, method, and amount.
- For Sales, Return, Remake, Adjustment, Void, Old System Balance, Old System Return, Merch. Drop, and Reinstate Drop transactions, the following information displays, as applicable:
- Order Details, including the items ordered, along with the insurance, promotion, discount, tax, and balance amounts;
- Transaction Details, including the transaction date, id number, and type, along with the insurance, promotion, discount, tax, and balance amounts; and/or
- Insurance Details, including the plan name, carrier name, authorization number, and authorization date associated with the transaction.
- Collections and Refund Customer Credit transactions do not have any details to display.