Viewing a Patient's Draft and Non-Invoiced Orders

Use the Non-Invoiced tab to view all the patient's draft and non-invoiced orders. You can edit, price, delete, print, and invoice orders from this tab.

Draft orders remain in the list for 30 days from the date they are created. The system automatically deletes them when they expire.
  1. On the left side of the Demographics screen, click Material Orders.
  2. Click the Non-Invoiced tab, if it is not already displayed.
  3. The Draft Orders grid lists the patient’s orders that have been saved during the creation process and are incomplete. The list includes the date each draft order was created and the date it will expire, along with the insurance plan and doctor currently associated with the order.
  4. The Non-Invoiced Orders grid lists the patient’s orders that have been priced or put on hold.
  5. To invoice orders, click Generate Invoice. For detailed instructions, go to Invoicing Orders.