Using Electronic Eyewear Ready Notifications

The Eyefinity Electronic Eyewear Ready Notifications require an additional fee and setup by Eyefinity. For information on how to get started, see our website.

The system automatically sends text notifications to patients who have eyewear orders that are ready to be picked up. Every hour, the system checks for orders that are in Received status in Encompass and sends the notifications. Once the notifications are sent, the status of each order is changed to Notified. Notifications for orders set to Received after 5:00 pm will be sent the following day at 8:00 am.

Your practice receives a daily results report via email of notifications sent over the previous 24 hours.

Before using Electronic Eyewear Ready Notifications, you need to set up providers in Encompass to enable online scheduling. For more information, see Setting Up Electronic Eyewear Ready Notifications.

For the purpose of eyewear ready notifications, the term “eyewear” includes eyeglasses, sunglasses, prescription sunglasses, and contact lenses.

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