Viewing Electronic Patient Notifications Reports
This topic explains how to view and print reports for Eyefinity Electronic Patient Notifications.

The Messaging Runs Report lists detailed information for each patient notification sent during the date range you specify. You can download the report as a CSV file.
- In Administration, Company: Setup, click Patient Engagement and select Website Setup.
- Enter your Encompass login information, when prompted.
The Patient Engagement Connection screen opens.
- Click Electronic Patient Notification - Manage at the top of the screen.
- Under EPN Reports, click View Messaging Runs.
The Electronic Patient Notifications Messaging Runs Report window opens.
- Type a Start Date or select a date from the calendar.
- Type an End Date or select a date from the calendar.
- Select a message type from the Message Filter drop-down list. The filter defaults to displaying all message types, but you can select to display any single notification type or all types except day of (same-day) reminders.
- Click Search.
The list updates to display all messaging runs that meet your search criteria.
- To download a report as a CSV file, click the report in the list.

The Patient Reminder Replies Report lists patient replies to messages that were sent during the date range you specify.
- In Administration, Company: Setup, click Patient Engagement and select Website Setup.
- Enter your Encompass login information, when prompted.
The Patient Engagement Connection screen opens.
- Click Electronic Patient Notification - Manage at the top of the screen.
- Under EPN Reports, click View Patient Reminder Replies.
The Electronic Patient Notifications Messaging Replies Report window opens.
- Type a Start Date or select a date from the calendar.
- Type an End Date or select a date from the calendar.
- Select the Office Location Only responses to this office will appear on the report.
- Click Search.
The list updates to display all patient replies that meet your search criteria.