Using the Zeiss VISULENS, VISUPLAN, & VISUREF Interface

Zeiss VISULENS imports sphere, cylinder, axis, add, and prism data into ExamWRITER . Zeiss VISUPLAN imports IOP data into ExamWRITER . Zeiss VISUREF imports autorefraction data and k-readings into ExamWRITER.

  1. Ensure that ExamWRITER is open.
  2. Create a blank exam, or open a saved exam for an existing patient.
  3. In the ExamWRITER chart window, click the Interfaces icon.
  4. Select the Zeiss device that corresponds to your Zeiss equipment.

    The Eyefinity Equipment Interface window opens and displays this message: Waiting on Exam Data from DeviceName.

  5. On the Zeiss equipment operation panel, press Print.

    The data is imported into the patient exam.

  6. To view the data, go to the Vision/Rx > Spectacle and Binocular tabs on the patient exam.