Opening Saved Patient Exam Records

  1. If the patient has an open exam record, double-click the patient’s name on the Open Charts tab on the ExamWRITER Control Center window; otherwise, go to step 2.

    The saved patient exam opens.

    To open a closed, finalized, or deleted exam record, click the Chart Search tab on the ExamWRITER Control Center, enter the appropriate date and status search criteria, and then double-click the patient’s name.

  2. If the patient does not have an open exam record, enter search information in the Patient Information text boxes in the ExamWRITER Control Center and click F2-Find.

    The Find Patient window opens with a list of patients meeting your selection criteria.

  3. Double-click on the patient for whom you want to create a new EMR.


    Click on the patient for whom you want to create a new EMR and then click Select.

    The ExamWRITER Control Center window opens.

    If the patient record has notes and alerts recorded, click the Show buttons to view the patient notes and alerts.

  4. Double-click on a previous exam.

    If there are no closed or finalized exams for a patient, then the patient will have no previous exams recorded in ExamWRITER

    The saved patient exam opens.

In addition to the procedure above, go to Creating and Modifying Templates and watch these videos.