Recording Chief Complaint Information

  1. Click the Chief Complaint tab on the ExamWRITER chart window.
  2. Click the Chief Complaint bar.

    The Chief Complaint window opens.

  3. Select the appropriate complaint(s) in the box on the left side of the window.
    • To create and maintain complaints in the box on the left side of the window, place your cursor in the Search text box and press the F12 key.
    • To search for complaints already in the box on the left side of the window, type text into the Search text box.
    • To include custom text, click Custom Text and type the custom text into the text box.
  4. Select an eye from the Eye drop-down menu.
  5. Choose the appropriate dates from the Timeline drop-down menus. If you want to select an exact date, click the ... (ellipse) to open the calendar and select an exact date. If you want to select today’s date, select the Today check box.
    To include timeline information for custom text, select the Include TIMELINE check box.
  6. Click Save Item.
    • To delete a chief complaint that you have saved in the Chief Complaint table at the bottom of the window, select the chief complaint and click Delete Item.
    • To delete all of the chief complaints that you have saved in the Chief Complaint table at the bottom of the window, click Delete All.
  7. Click Process.

In addition to the procedure above, watch this video.