Understanding Provider Access to the Portal
Use the table below to understand what providers and practice administrators can do in the provider portal.
Task | Provider | Practice Administrator |
Setting up a direct mail address book |
Modifying practice information |
Modifying administrative account information |
Setting up provider portal accounts |
Modifying provider portal accounts |
Changing provider’s password |
Sending TOC documents |
Sending and receiving secure messages in your inbox |
Sending secure messages from patient profiles |
Giving patients access to clinical data |
Managing patient profiles |
Manging patient portal accounts |
Modifying and viewing patient account information |
Resending patient welcome emails |
Sending patient reset password emails |
Viewing incoming and archived documents |
Viewing incoming and archived documents for the logged-in user |
Viewing the status of outgoing messages |
Viewing and exporting audit logs |
Opting patients out of notifications in bulk |