Creating and Opening Fee Slips

To change the fee slip’s posting date to backdate the fee slip, see To set up financial preferences.

  1. Open the Fee Slip window using one of the following methods:
    • Click the Fee Slips icon.
    • Click Tasks on the main window toolbar and select Fee Slip.
    • Right-click on a patient in the Quick List window and select Fee Slip.
    • Right-click on the Patient Demographic, Eyewear Order, Hard Lens Order, Soft Lens Order, Receipts & Adjustments, or Patient Ledger window title bar and select Fee Slip.
    • Click on a patient’s name in the Quick List window and drag and drop the patient on the Fee Slip icon.
    • On the Rx Order window, click Record and select Invoice Now.
  2. Enter search information in the Last and First name text boxes and click F2 Find to find the patient for which you want to create a new fee slip.
    • If a lab order has not been invoiced, a warning message appears on the fee slip stating that one or more lab orders are in process. If the lab order is for a trial lens, or if the quantity on the Rx is 0, then no warning message appears.
    • Type a fee slip number in the Fee Slip # text box and click Get Slip to view other fee slips for the patient, if available.
  3. If you set up your preferences and user security roles to display a pop-up Patient Open Charges window and the patient has open charges, the charges are displayed. If you did not set up your preferences to display a pop-up Patient Open Charges window, but you did set up user security roles to close patient open charges, click Open Charges to open the Patient Open Charges window. Choose one of the following options when the Patient Open Charges window is open:
    • Click the red check marks to deselect items that you do not want to add to the fee slip or delete and then click Post to add the selected open charges to the fee slip or click Close Charges to delete the selected open charges.
    • If the exam was recorded in Eyefinity EHR, you may be asked to select a product or service that is applicable to the patient’s exam. This happens only if the procedure code is associated with multiple products in the OfficeMate database.
    • If you do not want to post or delete the open charges, click Exit Without Posting to close the Patient Open Charges window. Deselected items will continue to appear in the Patient Open Charges window until they are posted to a fee slip or deleted.
      For more information on setting up your pop-up Patient Open Charges preferences, see To set up financial preferences. For more information about setting up security for pop-up Patient Open Charges, see Setting Up Security.
  4. Select the patient’s provider from the Provider drop-down menu.
  5. Click Orders to view scheduled orders recorded in ExamWRITER, but not yet posted in the Task Manager. For more information about posting scheduling tasks recorded in ExamWRITER in the Task Manager, see To post scheduling tasks recorded in ExamWRITER.

In addition to the procedure above, watch this video for more information.