Creating and Printing the Exam Analysis Report

  1. Open the Exam Analysis window:
    1. From the OfficeMate Administration main window, click the Reports. drop-down menu.
    2. Select ExamWRITER, and then select Exam Analysis.

    The Exam Analysis window opens.

  2. Narrow your report results by selecting a date range and report criteria:
    1. Type the beginning in the From Date field.
    2. Type the ending date in the Thru Date field.
    3. Select a location from the Location drop-down menu, as needed, to pull data for a single location.
    4. Select a provider from the Provider drop-down menu, as needed, to pull data for a single provider.
  3. Select a Major Sort Sequence option:
    • Select the Location radio button to sort the data by location and then by provider.


    • Select the Provider radio button to sort the data by provider only.
  4. Select either the Detailed or Summary radio button.
  5. Select a Report Output option:
    • Select the Printer radio button to preview and print the report.


    • Select the Export radio button to export the data as an XLS spreadsheet file.
  6. Click Continue to create the report or click Exit to cancel.

    If you selected the Print radio button, the Preview window opens, where you can complete one or more of the following tasks:

    • Click the Print Report icon to open the Print window and print the report using the current report printer.
    • Click the Export Report icon to open the Export window and choose a format and destination for your exported report.
    • Close Preview Window.