Productivity Recap

The Productivity Recap report is a custom report that lists the production for the selected period between locations. Sales, discounts, adjustments, returns, receipts, and applied payments are displayed on the report. Results can be grouped by location then provider or by provider then location. To create the Productivity Recap report, go to Creating and Printing Custom Reports.

Discounts and adjustments are grouped by financial or production groups to indicate the amount and percentage of discounts that are being deducted by the group. To view this information by type (for example, insurance discount), create the Production, Discount Register, or Adjustment Register report. For more information on creating the Production report, go to Production, for more information on creating the Discount Register report, go to Discount Register, and for more information on creating the Adjustment Register report, go to Adjustment Register.

When creating a report that will display information from a large period, an hourglass appears and then the report displays before the entire report has been processed. When a magnifying glass appears, you will know that the report has finished processing.

Unapplied Insurance Transfers in the Applied Payment section of the report are previously unapplied insurance amounts that were transferred to the patient’s account and applied to open outstanding balances.

All OfficeMate Administration transactions refer to the original fee slip location where the transactions were recorded.

Use this report with data that was recorded in OfficeMate, not in a prior system that was then converted to OfficeMate.