Viewing Rx Order Statuses

This topic tells you how to view the status of eyewear, soft contact lens, and hard contact lens orders that you’ve already recorded.

  1. Open the Rx Order Status window using one of the following methods:
    • Click the Rx/Orders icon and select Rx Status.
    • Click Tasks on the main window toolbar, select Rx Orders, and then select Rx Status.
  2. Click the Spectacle, Soft Contact, or Rigid Contact tab.
  3. Search for the status of Rx orders using one of the following methods:
    • Select an order status from the Status drop-down menu.
    • Type or select an order entry date in the Entry Date text box.
    • Click Today’s Orders to view the status of today’s orders.
    • Type or select an order promise date in the Promised Date text box.
    • Click Promised Today to view the status of orders promised today.
    • Click Refresh to refresh the Rx Order status grid that is displayed.
    • Click Print Grid to print the Rx Order Status grid displayed in the window.
    • Click the green and white arrows next to the Entry Date and Promised Date text boxes to move forward or backward one day and display that new date’s Rx order statuses.
  4. If you are ordering soft contact lenses through eBuy, click the button in the eBuy column to open and submit your order.

    For more information, see the Ordering Soft Contact Lenses with eBuy and OfficeMate document and watch this video.

In addition to the procedure above, watch this video.