Viewing the Report History

Follow the instructions below to view when a report was created and whether or not the report was created successfully.

You cannot view the report history of custom reports.
  1. Open the Reports & Statements window. For more information on opening this window, go to Opening the Reports & Statements Window.
  2. Click History.

    The Report History Parameters window opens.

  3. Select one of the following parameters in which to view the report:
    • History List by Report Name
    • History List by Report Cycle
    • History List by Report Date Run
    • History List - Errors Only
  4. If you selected to view the history list by report name, select a report name from the Report Name drop-down menu.
  5. If you selected to view the history list by report cycle, select an appropriate Report Cycle radio button.
  6. If you selected to view the history list by date run, select or type a date in the Date box.
  7. Select an appropriate Sort Options radio button.
  8. Click Display.

    The History Display window opens.

  9. Click Print to print the history.


    Click Cancel to close the History Display window.

    Click Delete to delete the selected report history.