Setting Up Inventory

This section tells you how to set up OfficeMate to track inventory counts and valuations, including how

To set up products for perpetual inventory

Purchase orders can be created manually or automatically based on items sold on fee slips or based on stock levels. You must maintain perpetual inventory for products that you want to be added to purchase orders automatically.
  1. From the OfficeMate Administration main window, click Setup, and select Product Setup.

    The Product Setup window opens.

  2. Select one of the eight product types from the Product Type drop-down menu.
  3. Select the Maintain Perpetual Inventory check box if it not already selected.
    Purchase orders can be created manually or automatically based on items sold on fee slips or based on stock levels. You must maintain perpetual inventory for products that you want to be added to purchase orders automatically.

    If you do not want to maintain perpetual inventory for any products, deselect the Maintain Perpetual Inventory check box for each product type.

    If you want to maintain perpetual inventory for some products, deselect the Maintain Perpetual Inventory check box for those product types for which you do not want to maintain inventory.
  4. Select the product type’s unit of measure from the Sales Unit of Measure drop-down menu.
  5. Select the inventory cycle from the Physical inventory cycle drop-down menu.
  6. If you are maintaining perpetual inventory, enter quantities in the Stocking Level, Minimum Reorder Point, and Minimum Reorder Quantity text boxes.

    The Stocking Level, Minimum Reorder Point, and Minimum Reorder Quantity are copied to each new product that is created from this point forward and applied to each location including the administrative location and distribution centers. If you do not want these quantities applied to each new product, do not enter quantities in these fields.

    This field…

    Controls this function…

    Stocking Level

    The desired number of units to keep on hand excluding sample (display) units. This field is informational only and does not affect reordering.

    Minimum Reorder Point

    The point at which the product should be added to a PO. When the location’s inventory reaches this point, the product is added to the PO (when PO from Qty on Hand is selected from the Products menu).

    Minimum Reorder Quantity

    The number of units to add to the PO. Typically, this number would be a multiple of the number of units shipped in a case or the number of units required to qualify for a discount rate. For example, if saline solution ships in cases of 12, the Minimum Reorder Quantity would be 12, 24, 36, etc.

    The Minimum Reorder Point plus the Minimum Reorder Quantity often equal more than the Stocking Level.

    The Minimum Reorder Quantity is set for all products of this type added to inventory at all locations.

  7. Click Print to print the product type information, if desired.
  8. Click OK to close the Product Setup window.

To set up inventory preferences

  1. From the OfficeMate Administration main window, click Setup, and select Product Setup.

    The Product Setup window opens.

  2. Click the Preferences tab.
  3. Type or select the start date of the first period in your inventory calendar in the Start date of first periods text box.
    Typically, the start date is the date your fiscal year begins; check with your accountant to confirm the start date of the first period in your inventory calendar.
  4. Type the current calendar year in the Current calendar year text box.
  5. Type the current inventory period in the Current inventory period text box.
    The amount of time between the start and close of the inventory is an inventory period. The length of the current inventory period is entered only at the start of your inventory. The inventory period is automatically advanced when you close the current inventory period.
  6. Type the number of periods in a year in the # of periods in a year text box.
  7. If you keep your inventory physical count by board location, select the Yes radio button next to Will physical count be stored by board location?
    The board location is the location of an item within the dispensary. For contact lenses and other items, the location could be a bin, shelf, or drawer.
  8. Click OK to close the Product Setup window, or go to To set up product preferences if you use a barcode label printer to print barcode labels.

To set up system preferences for perpetual inventory

  1. From the OfficeMate Administration main window, click Setup, and select Preferences.

    The System Preferences window opens.

  2. Click the Perpetual Inventory tab.
  3. Select the Yes radio buttons for the following options:
    • When a product is Discontinued, change the Minimum Display Qty to 0
    • When a product is Non Stock, change the Minimum Display Qty to 0
    • When a product is Backordered, allow the sample to be sold
  4. Select the No radio button for Allow sale of inventory items with zero quantity on hand without warning message.