Reviewing Legacy Office Tax Rates
To assist with the transition to the Tax Calculator, Eyefinity created miscellaneous tax authorities for each of your offices. The miscellaneous tax authorities were set up with the tax rates you entered previously for each item type and assigned to the corresponding offices automatically. If needed, you can review the office tax rates you entered previously before you set up the Tax Calculator in AcuityLogic Admin.
To review legacy office tax rates
- In AcuityLogic Admin, click Company and select Company Setup.
The Company Information window opens.
- Click the Offices link.
The Company Offices window opens.
- Click the Taxes link for an office.
The Office Taxes window opens.
- Review the office tax rates you set up previously.
- The name of the miscellaneous tax authority created for each office corresponds to the office name and number. For example, the miscellaneous tax authority created for Office 7686 - Test Optical Office will be “7686 Test Optical Office”.
- Since the tax rates displayed in the Office Taxes window are already set up for the corresponding office, Eyefinity recommends that you do not make changes in the Office Taxes window until you set up the tax authorities and tax rates for your company.