Adding and Modifying Vendors
You can add vendors in AcuityLogic Admin so that users can create orders for those vendors in AcuityLogic POS to print and fax to the vendors.
To add and modify vendors
- In AcuityLogic Admin, click Product and select Vendor.
- In the ID column, click a link for a vendor, or click Add Vendor to add a vendor’s information.
- Edit or type data in the following fields:
Field Name Description Required Vendor ID
The ID for the vendor.
When you save a new Vendor record, the Vendor ID is generated automatically.
Name of the vendor.
Vendor Type
Type of vendor. The options are
- Frame
- Accessory
Contact lens suppliers are considered manufacturers in AcuityLogic.
Account Number
Vendor’s account number.
Contact Person
A specific person at the vendor company.
Phone Number
Vendor’s phone number.
Fax Number
Vendor’s fax number.
Address 1
First line of the vendor’s address.
Address 2
Second line of the vendor’s address.
Zip Code
Vendor’s zip code.
Vendor’s city.
The city is automatically entered when you select a zip code.
Vendor’s state.
The city is automatically entered when you select a zip code.
Vendor Terms
The vendor’s payment terms. The options are:
- No Terms
- Net 30
The vendor terms are printed on the purchase orders for the vendor.
Contact your account manager to add additional terms to this drop-down list.
Create order
If selected, this feature enables the system to create a vendor order for this vendor.
If selected, the vendor is made active in AcuityLogic POS.
- Click Save.