Creating/Resetting a Password

AcuityLogic requires you to use a password that follows the password policy configured for your company. See Updating AcuityLogic Password Policies.

As an Admin, you can create or reset the password for another user. You create the password when Setting Up Employees.

Resetting a Password

Employees can be locked out of AcuityLogic after five unsuccessful login attempts. After each attempt, AcuityLogic displays a message specifying how many attempts they have left before they are locked out.

If an employee is locked out, you (as a system administrator) can reset the employee's password.

  1. Open the Company Employees window. See Creating/Resetting a Password.
  2. Find the employee. See Creating/Resetting a Password.
  3. Click the employee’s Reset Password link.
  4. In the confirmation message, click OK. A password is randomly generated by the system. Provide this password to the employee.

    After logging in, the employee must change his or her password. Passwords must adhere to your company’s password policy, which displays in the Change Password window.

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