Setting Up Company Information
This section explains how to set up general company information.
Topics include the following:

- Log in to AcuityLogic Admin. See Logging in to AcuityLogic Admin.
- Click Company and select Company Setup.
The Company Information window opens.
If your company is set up to use the Tax Calculator, a Tax Setup link is available. See Setting Up the Multi-Tier Sales Tax Calculator. If you are interested in using the Tax Calculator, contact your AcuityLogic account manager.

- Open the Company Information window. See To open the Company Information window.
- Click the link of your company in the Company column.
The Company Information window opens.
- Enter the company name, address information, and phone number in the appropriate fields.
- Enter the company’s National Provider Identifier in the National Provider Id field. This number appears in box 33a on the CMS 1500 form.
- Enter the name of the contact person for your company in the Contact Name field.
- Enter or select the name of the company doctor in the Company Doctor field.A drop-down list of doctors appears if you set up employees as doctors in the Company Employee window. See Setting Up Employees.
- Enter the default percentage that a patient must pay when an invoice is generated in the Default Deposit Percentage field. If you leave this field blank, no minimum deposit is required. A manager can override this default in AcuityLogic POS.
- From the Password Policy drop-down list, select a password policy for your company. See Updating AcuityLogic Password Policies.
- Select one of the following options from the Package Display Type drop-down list to determine how to list packages on invoices:
- Default: Display the price of each line item in the package.
- Accumulate: Display each line item, but list only one cumulative price for the entire package.
- Enter the EIN in the EIN field. This number appears in box 25 on the CMS 1500 form.
- Select one of the following statuses from the Audit Logging drop-down list:
- Profile Only. Only changes to patient profile information are recorded in the Audit Log Report (AL101). This is the default option.
- Detail. Create, edit, view, delete, print, encryption, and audit log enabling/disabling actions are recorded in the Audit Log Report (AL101).Due to the amount of information logged, you may notice some impact on system performance when Audit Logging is set to Detail.
- No Log. Turns off audit logging. Only user logins, encryption, and audit log enabling/disabling actions are recorded in the Audit Log Report (AL101).
If you receive electronic remittances, in the Delete Remittances older than field, enter the number of months to keep remittance database records that are no longer needed. The minimum number of months is 1, and the maximum is 24. If the field is empty or contains an invalid number, the system defaults to 12 months.
- To customize session timeout periods, open the Session Time Out Configuration menu, and enter a timeout period for each AcuityLogic module in minutes that is greater than zero and less than 1000.
- After you configure a timeout period for a module, a warning appears one minute before an idle session times out and prompts the user to extend the session. If the user does not extend the session, AcuityLogic automatically logs the user out. Because the warning appears one minute before the timeout period expires, a timeout period greater than one minute is recommended.
- By default, a 20-minute timeout period is entered for all modules.
- The timeout period cannot be blank for any module.
- The IIS application pool Idle Time-out setting takes precedence over and must be greater than the AcuityLogic timeout periods. For example, if AcuityLogic POS user sessions are set to time out after 15 minutes and the application pool times out after 10 minutes, idle users are logged out of AcuityLogic POS after 10 minutes, not after 15 minutes.
- Eyefinity recommends a maximum AcuityLogic timeout period of 120 minutes for all modules and a maximum IIS application pool Idle Time-out setting of 180 minutes. Ensure that the IIS application pool Idle Time-out setting is greater than the AcuityLogic timeout period for all modules.
- To record a remittance address that differs from the company address and that prints on patient statements generated in AcuityLogic POS and patient letters generated in AcuityLogic Billing, open the Remit To Field menu and enter the remittance address for patient statements and patient letters in the appropriate fields.You must complete all fields designated by an asterisk (*). If you do not complete all fields, patient statements and patient letters continue to display the company address.
- To record inventory information, open the Inventory Fields menu and do the following:
- If you track inventory manually using the sheet method, select one of the following sorting methods from the Physical Sort Type drop-down list:
- Item Name: Sort and print products in order by item name.
- Collection: Sort and print products in order by collection.
- From the Physical Count Method drop-down list, select one of the following count methods. The count method configures the inventory program in AcuityLogic.
- Sheet: You take the physical count of each product type by using the Physical Inventory Worksheet printed from AcuityLogic POS. You first write your inventory counts on the printed worksheet and then manually enter your inventory counts into the AcuityLogic system.
- Scan: You enter the physical count of all products directly into the AcuityLogic system by scanning the barcode of each product with a barcode scanner.
- Enter the number of days during which staff members can create inventory files in the # of days before Inventory Create Session Allowed field. For example, if you take inventory on April 15 and you do not want staff members to create inventory files before April 12, type 3 in the field. Leaving the field blank indicates that staff members can create inventory files at any time.
- If you upload frames from a FRAMES SPEX CD-ROM, select one of the following frame markup rounding options from the Frame Markup Rounding Option drop-down list. The option determines how the price is rounded when you recalculate the default price list after changing the markup value.
- None: Frame prices are not rounded.
- Round to Nearest Nine: Frame prices are rounded to the nearest $9 (for example, a frame priced at $143 is rounded to $149).
- Round to Nearest Nine Ninety Five: Frame prices are rounded to the nearest $9.95 (for example, a frame priced at $143 is rounded to $149.95).
- Select the Replenish stock on Transfer check box to automatically create stock orders for replenishment when transfers are performed, if you choose to replenish products at the time of transfer. If you deselect this check box, stock orders for replenishment are not automatically created when transfers are performed.
- Select the Allow Negative OnHand Quantity check box to enable the quantity-on-hand (QOH) value of frames to decrease by one when the frames are sold directly from an office, even when the current QOH is less than one. If you deselect this check box and an office sells frames that have a QOH value that is less than one, the QOH does not change.
For this setting to function, the Inventory check box must be selected on the Office Information window of an office. See Setting Up Office Information.
Be aware of how selecting the Allow Negative OnHand Quantity check box can affect your inventory and reports.
Eyefinity recommends that you avoid selecting the check box when you select one of the following options for the Valuation Method field:
- Average Cost by Company
- Average Cost by Office
If you select the Allow Negative OnHand Quantity check box and use an average cost valuation method, record your inventory transactions accurately in the order they occur to ensure the system calculates averages accurately. Do not enter inventory in the system until you receive it.
If the Allow Negative OnHand Quantity check box is selected, when an inventory receipt is posted and the prior quantity on hand for an item is negative and has a different average cost than the cost of the item being received, AcuityLogic enters a negative balance cost adjustment for the existing negative items to reconcile the cost difference. If the frame's cost differs from the original inventory cost, the new cost is used. For example, suppose you transfer 3 frames at $40 each, but you have only 2 frames on hand. When the new third frame arrives but is $30, the system enters -$10, a negative balance cost adjustment.
From the Frame Tag Print Option drop-down list, select an option for printing frame tags:
No Vendor or Collection: The vendor name and collection name are not printed on frame tags.
- Print Vendor Name: The vendor name is printed on frame tags.
Print Collection Name: The collection name is printed on frame tags.
- Select the Show Cost on POS Inventory Report check box to display the default cost on the Inventory Status Report (INV106) in AcuityLogic POS.
- To change how your inventory value is assessed and reported, select one of the following inventory valuation methods for your company from the Valuation Method drop-down list:
Before you change the valuation method, the change should be approved by your accounting department.
- Standard Cost: (Default method) Values inventory based on one cost assigned to an item and the quantity of that item in stock.
- Average Cost by Company: (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) Weighted Average Cost method) Assesses the inventory for an entire company based on the original costs of all items in stock plus the inventory transactions that affect average cost, which occur after acquisition.
- Average Cost by Office: (GAAP Weighted Average Cost method) Assesses the inventory for each office in a company based on the original costs of all items in each office plus the inventory transactions that affect average cost, which occur after acquisition.
- The default for the Valuation Method drop-down list is Standard Cost.
- If you change from Average Cost by Company to Average Cost by Office, you get a different inventory value for each office. Consider moving to Standard Cost and then to Average Cost by Office.
- The following formula is used to calculate the Average Cost when an item is received:
(Prior On Hand Quantity x Prior Average Cost + Quantity Received x Cost of Receipt)/(Prior On Hand Quantity + Quantity Received)- For Average Cost by Company, Prior On Hand Quantity is the total quantity of the item on hand for the company. The Average Cost is calculated for the entire company.
- For Average Cost by Office, Prior On Hand Quantity is the total quantity of the item on hand at the office receiving the item. The Average Cost is calculated for each office separately.
- For Standard Cost, no calculation for Average Cost is required. The Standard Cost for an item is the Default Cost entered and is applied to the entire company.
- For more information about inventory valuation methods, see Using Average Cost Inventory Valuation Methods.
- For assistance in evaluating the benefits of Weighted Average Cost methods, contact your account representative, or call Eyefinity at 800.942.5353.
- When you print labels for pick lists from the Pick and Ship Stock window in AcuityLogic DC, you can choose to divide labels by item group for easier processing. There are two options:
- Leave the Central Inventory check box deselected. This check box is for the central inventory collection feature that requires Eyefinity to update your AcuityLogic X-Link configuration. If you are interested in using central inventory, contact your AcuityLogic account manager.
- Select the Receive In-Transit items on Physical Freeze check box to automatically receive inventory items that are in transit when POS and DC users freeze inventory for an inventory session. In-transit items are items that have been transferred but not yet received by the destination office or DC location.
- If you selected the option to automatically receive in-transit items, in the Number of days to allow In-Transit field, enter a value for the number of days before the inventory freeze to leave items in transit. For example, enter 2 if you want AcuityLogic not to automatically receive in-transit items sent within two days of freezing inventory.
- Select the Use Vendor Cost on Returns check box to use an item's vendor cost for vendor returns. Deselect the check box to use the cost of the item at the distribution center or office processing the vendor return. The cost used with the check box deselected is based on the inventory valuation method selected for your company in step 15i.
- Select the Check DC Inventory Level check box to configure inventory threshold settings for frames. Inventory threshold settings determine if POS users can add frames to be provided by your distribution center to eyeglass orders.
- If you selected the option to configure inventory threshold settings, select the Hide DC Quantity On Hand check box to hide the DC inventory quantity when users add a frame to an order that will be provided by the distribution center. This check box is not selected by default.
- If you selected the option to configure inventory threshold settings, enter the minimum inventory threshold for frames in the Inventory Threshold for DC to Supply field.
- Select the action you want performed when the minimum inventory threshold is reached from the Action drop-down list:
- Nothing: No action will be performed.
- Warn User: Displays the message you enter without preventing users from adding the frame to the order.
- Stop User: Displays the message you enter and prevents users from adding the frame to the order.If users change the frame status/source for the order to Store Enclosed after the message displays, business rules that restrict frames with certain item statuses from being ordered as enclosed may still prevent the frame from being added to the order.
- Type the message to display in AcuityLogic POS in the Message field if you selected Warn User of Stop User. The message is displayed in the Frame tab for eyeglass orders when the distribution center is selected as the supply source.
- If you track inventory manually using the sheet method, select one of the following sorting methods from the Physical Sort Type drop-down list:
- To customize patient billing statements, open the Patient Billing Statements and Invoice Customization menu, click the Patient Billing Statements tab, and do the following:
Select the Type of Patient Statements you want users to generate.
Summary Patient Statements: Statements display summary information only.
Detail Patient Statements: Detail format can be customized using the check boxes in the Information to Display section.
Select the Information to Display on patient statements.
If you selected Summary Patient Statements, only the Order Number check box is available.
- Order Number: Displays the order number associated with the patient outstanding balance.
- Insurance Adjustment Type:Displays the insurance adjustment types and details for insurance adjustment line items, including description, insurance amount, and comments.
- Carrier Payments: Displays carrier payment line item details, including the amount and check number.
Provider Name, NPI, and License #: Displays the provider information, if a provider is assigned to the patient.
Reason for Transfer to Patient:Displays any comments entered for the reason for transfer.
- From the Credit Card Accepted drop-down list, select the credit card types that your company accepts. These card types will print on patient statements. The available credit cards in your system are specified in the Payment Type Mapping window.
- Under Statement Logo select which logo you want to print on statements.
- No Statement Logo: Select if you do not want to print a logo.
- Company Logo: Select to print the logo specified for your company.
- Office Logo: Select to print the logo specified for the office generating the statement.
- Statement Logo: Select and then click Upload Logo to upload a logo to print only on statements.Logos must adhere to the following specifications:
Max Width: 140 pixels
Max Height: 140 pixels
Max Size: 128K
Image Type: .PNG, .JPG, .GIF, .TIF, or .BMP
Select which Address To Display on patient statements. Select Custom to enter an address.
For offices with the Office Address on Patient Statement check box selected in Office Information, the office address will print on statements, even if you select Company or Custom here.
Select which Phone To Display on patient statements. Select Custom to enter a phone number.
Select which Carrier Contact Information to display on patient statements. The Default Number is specified in the Insurance Carrier window. Select Custom to enter a carrier contact phone number.
To include additional text at the bottom of the statement, such as instructions on how to contact the carrier and/or your office, edit the default message in the Preview Text field.
Depending on the selections you made under Phone to Display and Carrier Contact Information above, the default message includes an office or company phone number and a carrier phone number. Click inside the Preview Text field to enter new text. You can click Reset to Default to clear your text and use the default text instead.
- To include details about the payments accepted and directions to pay by credit card or check, enter a message in the Payment Text field. You can enter up to 250 characters.
The message you enter appears at the top of the credit card payment type section.
- To customize the information that appears on patient invoices, open the Patient Billing Statements and Invoice Customization menu, click the Invoice tab, and do the following:
- Select the appropriate display options:
- Tax ID: Displays the patient's taxpayer identification number.
- CPT Codes: Displays current procedural terminology (CPT) codes for any invoiced procedures.
- Diagnosis Codes: Displays codes for diagnosis related to the invoiced items.
- Patient Address: Displays the patient address.
- CC Signature Capture: Displays the credit card signature section.
- Promise Date: Displays the date you promised the order would be ready.
- Frame Item #: Displays frame item numbers and descriptions.
- Patient MRN: Displays the patient's medical record number (MRN).
- Next Scheduled Appointment: Displays the patient's next appointment in the Scheduler.
- NPI:Displays either the provider or office NPI. Select Provider or Office from the drop-down list.
- Provider Name: Displays the provider's name.
- Provider License #: Displays the provider's license number. For providers with multiple state licenses, the license for the state where the transaction is recorded is used.
- Select one of the following caption options:
- To have the same caption display on invoices for all offices, select Same caption for all offices.
- To enter a different caption for each office, select Custom caption and select the office from the drop-down list.
- Enter the caption to display in the provided field. It can contain up to 500 characters.
- Select the Allow comments on invoice check box to let AcuityLogic POS users enter comments that display on the invoice from the Pricing window.
- To customize statements for safety claims, open the Patient Billing Statements and Invoice Customization menu, click the Safety Statements tab, and do the following:
- In the Remit To Name and Address fields, enter a remit to name and address. (The name and address entered overrides the information entered in the Remit To Field menu in step 14.)
- In the Phone and Email fields, enter a contact phone number and/or email address.
- In the Notes field, enter a payment message up to 350 characters.
- Select the Show Aged Receivables check box to show or hide aged receivable totals for the selected carrier/plan. The totals match those shown in the Aged Claims Report (GB106) generated from Billing.
To record general ledger information, open the GL Fields menu and do the following:
If a GL account is mapped to the company, type the account prefix for your company in the GL Center field. If you do not use a company account segment, type zeros.
If you are interfacing with MAS 90, the GL Center number must be the same number of digits as specified for the location segment size in MAS 90.
Select one of the following GL interface options from the G/L Interface Package drop-down list:
- None: You are not interfacing with a general ledger program.
- Custom Interface: You are interfacing with a general ledger program that is not MAS 90 or MAS 200. This option is only available if your system has been configured by Eyefinity to interface with another program.
- MAS 90/200: You are interfacing with MAS 90 or MAS 200.
- Intacct: You are interfacing with the Intacct accounting system.
If a GL account is mapped to the company, type the account prefix for your company in the GL Center field. If you do not use a company account segment, type zeros.
To record commission information, open the Commission Fields menu and do the following:
Select one of the following commission methods from the Commission Method drop-down list:
In order for the commission methods to function, you must set up commissions. See Setting Up Commission Rules.
- SPIFF: AcuityLogic calculates commissions for each employee based on sales of specific products.
- Sales per hour: AcuityLogic calculates commissions for each employee based on sales per hour. In order for this method to function, employees must track their hours in E-Time.
- Select the Show Commission check box to enable the use of commission features through the Commissions tab in AcuityLogic POS and the Commissions module in AcuityLogic BackOffice.
- Select the Show Productivity check box to enable the use of productivity features through the Productivity tab in AcuityLogic POS and the Productivity module in AcuityLogic BackOffice.
Select one of the following commission methods from the Commission Method drop-down list:
If you are using the AcuityLogic DC module, open the DC Fields menu and do the following:
- Enter the office number of the distribution center in the Distribution Center field. This is the location that AcuityLogic BackOffice will view as the designated distribution center.
- Select the Allow PO For Retail Office By DC check box to allow DCs to create vendor orders for retail office locations.
- Select the Remote DC Lookup check box to allow you to check inventory levels. If you do not use the AcuityLogic DC module but do use a lab system as a DC, this check box is still functional.
- Select a default inventory adjustment reason in the Adjustment reason for Return Center Writeoff drop-down list. The reason you select is used when you perform write-offs in the Return Center window in DC.
Select an option to customize how DC users process, pull, and ship frames for eyeglass orders from the Pull Inventory for Orders drop-down list:
- Default: Select this option to have DC users process, pull, and ship frames from three windows.
- Process and Pull Inventory: Select this option to have DC users process, pull, and ship frames from two windows. Users will process and pull frames from the first window and ship frames from the second window.
- Process, Pull, and Ship Inventory: Select this option to have DC users process, pull, and ship inventory from one window.
- If your company tracks KPI information, open the Commissions Fields menu and select the Commission Method you use. Select whether to Show Commission and/or Show Productivity information in POS and BackOffice. If both check boxes are deselected, the Management View option in POS is disabled.
- To record scheduler information, open the Scheduler Fields menu and do the following:
Enter the number of days prior to an appointment date that appointments are automatically confirmed when scheduled in the Auto Confirm Appt. Days field.
- If you enter 0 in the field, appointments will always be marked as scheduled when they are created and the appointments will have to be manually confirmed as needed.
- If you enter 1 in the field, appointments created on the same day on which they are scheduled will automatically be marked as confirmed.
- If you enter 2 in the field or leave it blank, appointments created for today and tomorrow’s dates will automatically be marked as confirmed. This is the default option.
- If you enter 3 in the field, appointments created for today, tomorrow, and the following day’s dates will be marked as confirmed.
- Appointments scheduled for a time period greater than the number in the field will be marked as scheduled when they are created and will have to be manually confirmed as needed.
- Select the Schedule Appointment for other Offices check box to allow office locations to schedule appointments for other office locations.
- Select the Select Offices from Drop-Down Menu check box to switch between office schedules in Calendar View of the Scheduler using a drop-down list. By default, this check box is deselected and offices display as tabs at the bottom of the calendar window.
- If you use schedule templates, select the Allow schedule configuration overlaps check box to allow templates to be applied even if the schedule conflicts with the office’s business hours or the resource’s schedule. If you select the check box, a message appears when you apply a template with conflicts and allows you to override the conflicts. See Setting Up Schedule Templates or To set up resource schedules.
- If you use schedule templates, select the time increment to display in the Schedule Template Setup grids from the Template default time (minutes) drop-down list. By default, the grids are divided into 30-minute increments with hourly labels.
- If you want the system to check at the end of each day to find any appointments that still have the Scheduled status and no transactions for the patient, and automatically change their status to No Show, select the Auto Update missed appointments as No Show check box.
For this feature to work properly, you must also select the Check for No Show setting for each exam/service type you want to apply it to. See Creating an Exam for more information.
Enter the number of days prior to an appointment date that appointments are automatically confirmed when scheduled in the Auto Confirm Appt. Days field.
To record CMS margin printing offsets, open the CMS Printing menu and enter the top and left margins for printing in the Top Margin Offset and Left Margin Offset fields.
The maximum offset for the top margin is 25. The maximum offset for the left margin is 275.
To align the Illinois Department of Public Aide (IDPA) Provider Invoice report (GB127) printout with the fields in the IDPA Provider Invoice form, open the Form Settings menu, and in the IDPA Provider Invoice section, adjust the top margin offset, the left margin offset, or both to align the report with the form.
Enter positive numbers from 1 to 100 to specify the percentage of the default margin to offset.
The specified offset decreases the top and left margins and increases the corresponding bottom and right margins.
Do not enter negative offsets. Negative offsets revert to zero (0).
Readjust the margins for different lots of forms as necessary.
- To select the EMR integration client by office, open the EMR Settings menu and check one or two of the following in the EMR Settings box:
- Eyefinity EHR: If offices send patient demographics to Eyefinity EHR.
- ExamWRITER: If offices send patient demographics to ExamWRITER.
- If both are checked, patient demographics are sent to both systems.
- Continue to the EMR Integration drop-down list on the Office Information window to select the EMR integration client by office when company information is configured. If you type 0 in the field, appointments are marked as scheduled when they are created, and the appointments must be manually confirmed as necessary.
To configure Eyefinity EHR settings, open the Eyefinity EHRSettings menu and do the following:
- Enter the Health Record Account Number, EHR Domain, and Exam URL in the appropriate fields. You get this information from Eyefinity when you are ready to go live.
- Enter your Eyefinity EHR system user name and password in the Username and Password fields.
To configure ECR Vault settings, open the ECR Vault Settings menu and do the following:
- Select the ECR Vault Enabled check box.
- Enter your URL in the ECR Vault URL field.
To configure default prescription expiration and promise date values, open the Rx and Order Screen Setting menu and do the following:
- Enter an updated default eyeglass prescription expiration period in the Default EG Expiration field, if needed. AcuityLogic uses the expiration period to determine the expiration date of eyeglass prescriptions recorded in AcuityLogic POS. By default, the company expiration period is configured to be 12 months.
- Enter an updated default contact lens prescription expiration period in the Default CL Expiration field, if needed. AcuityLogic uses the expiration period to determine the expiration date of contact lens prescriptions recorded in AcuityLogic POS. By default, the company expiration period is configured to be 12 months.
- Enter a default value to be used for determining the promise date displayed on eyeglass orders in the Default EG Promise Date field, if needed. AcuityLogic calculates the promised date by adding the value you enter to the order creation date. Leave this field blank if you do not want to configure a default promised date.
- Enter a default value to be used for determining the promise date displayed on contact lens orders in the Default CL Promise Date field, if needed. AcuityLogic calculates the promised date by adding the value you enter to the order creation date. Leave this field blank if you do not want to configure a default promised date.
- Do not make changes in the Vendor Auto Order menu, as this functionality is currently undergoing development and will be available in a later release.
- To view the platform partners configured for your company, open the Telehealth Settings menu.
The Telehealth Settings menu is available only if one or more platform partners has been configured for your company. Contact Eyefinity Customer Care if you want to integrate with a platform partner.
The Telehealth Settings menu shows the platform partners configured for your company. The information can only be updated by Eyefinity Customer Care. You can select the platform partners that each office can use to schedule telehealth appointments in the Telehealth Applications drop-down list in the Office Information window. See Setting Up Office Information.
If you want to send notifications through an inter-office e-mail system when specific transactions are performed, open the SMTP Settings menu and do the following:To send notifications, you must also configure additional notification settings. See Setting Up Internal Notifications.
- Enter the e-mail server name in the SMTP Server field.
- Enter your port in the SMTP Port field.
- Enter the e-mail address of the sender in the SMTP Email field.
- Enter the password of the sender’s e-mail account in the SMTP Password field.
- If you configured X-Link Failure notifications, enter the number of times you want the system to retry between notifications in the Retry between send e-mails field.
- If you configured X-Link Failure notifications, enter the number of minutes you want the system to wait before retrying in the Check xlink failures (minutes) field.
To record billing provider information, open the Billing Provider Fields menu and do the following:
- Enter the billing provider name in the Billing Name field.
Enter the billing address, zip code, city, and state in the appropriate fields.
- If you are sending insurance claims electronically, then per the requirements of the ANSI 5010 format you must include a full nine-digit zip code, and you must use a physical mailing address. You cannot use a post office box as a billing address.
- You can set up separate billing information for each office. See To add office billing information.
- The information in the Billing Provider fields populates box 33 on the CMS 1500 form.
- To record attribute information, open the Attributes menu and select check boxes for the settings that you want to enable.
Attribute Selecting the Check Box... Deselecting the Check Box... Discount License Frame
Allows third party insurance plans to apply their plan discounts to licensed frames.
Prohibits third party insurance plans from applying their plan discounts to licensed frames.
Show Invoice Rx Alert
Displays the message “Make sure you invoice the exam” when you record a new Rx and then sell eyeglasses or contact lens with that new Rx.
You will not receive a message when you record a new Rx and then sell eyeglasses or contact lens with that new Rx.
On Frame Spex
Adds the option in the Product and Frame modules in AcuityLogic Admin to load frames from a FRAMES SPEX CD-ROM.
You will not have the option to load frames from a FRAMES SPEX CD-ROM.
Patient Profile Read Only
Makes all patient records available as read-only information. No information can be recorded or modified in a patient record while this check box is selected.
Allows all patient records to be accessed and modified.
Auto Send CL Auto Office Orders
Automatically transmits contact lens stock orders on a regular basis as part of a scheduled integration.
Contact lens stock orders are not transmitted automatically. You must manually review and send contact lens stock orders.
Auto Send CL Patient Office Orders
Automatically send patient contact lens stock orders being shipped to office locations on a regular basis as part of a scheduled integration.
Patient contact lens stock orders being shipped to office locations are not sent automatically. You must manually review and send the orders in AcuityLogic POS.
Combine Bifocal Split PD
Evenly splits any pupillary distance measurement that is for a lined bifocal.
Does not evenly split pupillary distance measurements for lined bifocals.
Allow Multiple Package
Enables the Multiple Order Package button when pricing orders in AcuityLogic POS.
Disables the Multiple Order Package button when pricing orders in AcuityLogic POS.
Etime Management By All
Allows any staff member to close out E-Time at the end of a pay period.
Only a manager can close out E-Time.
Prohibit medical and vision ins on same invoice
Prohibits medical and vision insurance plans from being applied to the same order. If a patient wants to apply both types of insurance to an order, you will have to create two orders: one for items billed to the medical insurance, and a second for items billed to the vision insurance.
This setting does not affect insurance plans that are marked as “Vision and Medical” plans.
Allows you to apply both a medical and a vision insurance plan to the same order.
Enforce Rx Expiration
Prohibits the ability to sell eyeglasses or contacts with an expired prescription.
Allows you to sell eyeglasses and contacts with an expired Rx.
Hide List Price
Hides the list price of frames when you perform a search for frames in POS.
Displays the list price of frames when you perform a search for frames in POS.
General Encryption
This check box is currently not used in AcuityLogic.
Note: General encryption is no longer required in AcuityLogic because a feature to encrypt data at rest was introduced with SQL Server 2008.
This check box is currently not used in AcuityLogic.
Initial Authentication
Requires you to log in to AcuityLogic POS before you can access the system.
You can access all areas of AcuityLogic POS until you attempt to perform a password-protected function.
Patient Insurance Read Only
Makes all patient insurance records available as read-only information. No information can be recorded or modified in a patient insurance record while this check box is selected.
You can view and modify patient insurance records.
Allow CL Diagnostic Auto Order
Automatically creates stock contact lens orders for diagnostic contact lenses. Prohibits the Auto Supplier source on contact lens orders in AcuityLogic POS.
Stock contact lens orders are not automatically created for diagnostic contact lenses.
No Credit Card Validation
You will not be prompted to enter a credit card number and expiration date when recording a credit card payment in AcuityLogic POS. Select this attribute if you are integrated with a credit card payment processor such as Worldpay.
You will be prompted to enter a credit card number and expiration date when recording a credit card payment in AcuityLogic POS.
Capture Last 4 and Exp Date
You will be prompted to enter the last four digits and expiration date when recording a credit card payment in AcuityLogic POS.
You will not be prompted to enter the last four digits and expiration date when recording a credit card payment in AcuityLogic POS. Deselect this attribute if you are integrated with a credit card payment processor such as Worldpay.
No Delivery With Balance
Prohibits the ability to change the order status of an order to Delivered if the order has not been paid for in full.
Allows you to change the order status of an order to Delivered when the order has not been paid for in full.
No Coupon Validation
Allows you to discount a purchase using a coupon without validating that coupon.
Requires that a coupon be validated against the coupon numbers set up in AcuityLogic Admin.
Record OD For Non-Rx Order
If enabled for your company, you will be prompted to record a doctor on non-Rx orders (exams and miscellaneous sales) in AcuityLogic POS so that you can generate a useful Net Receipts (AC148) report.
You will not be prompted to record a doctor on non-Rx orders (exams and miscellaneous sales) in AcuityLogic POS.
Show Dr. Reimb in VSP Calc
Allows users to view and edit doctor reimbursement amounts in the Insurance Reimbursement column in the VSP Calculation window in AcuityLogic POS
Does not allow users to view and edit doctor reimbursement amounts in the Insurance Reimbursement column in the VSP Calculation window in AcuityLogic POS
Use Search Button for Patient Search
Requires users to click the Search button or press Enter when searching for patients in AcuityLogic POS and AcuityLogic BackOffice. Selecting this check box can cause search results to display more quickly.
Does not require users to click the Search button or press Enter when searching for patients in AcuityLogic POS and AcuityLogic BackOffice. When users begin typing criteria into the search fields, results are automatically displayed.
Requires users to record an OC height on eyeglass lens orders in AcuityLogic POS, if the eyeglass lens also has a minimum and maximum OC height configuration.
Does not require users to record an OC height on eyeglass lens orders in AcuityLogic POS.
Enable Batch EDI Processing
Enables AcuityLogic to process EDI claims in batches.
Prevents AcuityLogic from processing EDI claims in batches.
Combine Patient Forms
Combines the Billing Code Sheet, Eye Exam Form, and Health History Form buttons on the Patient Profile window into a single Patient Forms button. You must contact support to configure this functionality before it can be used.
Show the Billing Code Sheet, Eye Exam Form, and Heath History Form buttons separately.
Ignore Zero Retail Items on Bulk Pricing
Ignores frames with no retail price entered when calculating frame prices using bulk pricing.
Does not ignore frames with no retail price entered when calculating frame prices using bulk pricing.
Employee Number Required
Makes the Employee Num field required in the Employee window.
Makes the Employee Num field optional in the Employee window.
Validate OD On Rx/Exam Sale
Checks if the doctor selected for prescriptions and exam sales in AcuityLogic POS matches the doctor scheduled for the patient’s appointment.
Does not check if the doctor selected for prescriptions and exam sales in AcuityLogic POS matches the doctor scheduled for the patient’s appointment.
Allow Manual Stock Orders
Displays the Add Stock Order link on the AcuityLogic POS Inventory module’s Stock Order window, and retail employees with the appropriate roles can use it to create stock orders.
Hides the Add Stock Order link on the AcuityLogic POS Inventory module’s Stock Order window, and retail employees cannot create stock orders.
Allow inter-office stock transfers
Allows you to send stock transfers between locations set up as offices and distribution centers.
Does not allow you to send stock transfers between locations set up as offices. You can continue to send stock transfers to distribution centers.
Hide Vendor Tab in POS
Hides the Vendor tab and its subtabs (Vendor Order, Vendor Receipt, Vendor Return) in the AcuityLogic POS Inventory module at all retail offices in your company.
Displays the Vendor tab and its subtabs in the AcuityLogic POS Inventory module at all retail offices in your company.
Allow Custom Ins. Versions
Enables you to create custom names for insurance schedule versions.
Permits you to use only generic names (Default Version, Version 1, Version 2, and so on) for insurance schedule versions .
- To configure the backside UV message, open the Additional Coating Message Configuration menu and select one of the following radio buttons:
- Disable Message: You will not receive any message when you select an AR coating that has an additional attribute of “Backside UV” on an eyeglass order in AcuityLogic POS.
- Enable Message: When you select an AR coating that has an additional attribute of “Backside UV” on an eyeglass order in AcuityLogic POS, a message displays notifying you that the coating requires a backside UV coating. You must manually add the backside UV coating on the order.
- Enable Message & Add Additional Coating: When you select an AR coating that has an additional attribute of “Backside UV” on an eyeglass order in AcuityLogic POS, a message displays notifying you that the coating requires a backside UV coating, and the backside UV coating is automatically added to your order.
- To configure the Transitions Vantage color message, open the Additional Color Message Configuration menu and select one of the following radio buttons:
- Disable Message: You will not receive any message when you select Transitions Vantage as the lens color on an eyeglass order in AcuityLogic POS.
- Enable Message: When you select Transitions Vantage as the lens color on an eyeglass order in AcuityLogic POS, a message displays notifying you that the color requires the miscellaneous extra Vantage Polarized. You must manually add Vantage Polarized as a miscellaneous extra.
- Enable Message & Add Additional Color: When you select Transitions Vantage as the lens color on an eyeglass order in AcuityLogic POS, a message displays notifying you that the color requires the miscellaneous extra Vantage Polarized, and Vantage Polarized is automatically added to your order as a miscellaneous extra.
- Click Save to save your changes.
If you enter custom captions and later want to switch to having the same caption for all offices, you need to delete the custom caption for each office. The individual custom captions override the Same caption for all offices setting.

You can upload an image file of your company logo to appear in the AcuityLogic system, and you can upload another image file of the logo to appear on all materials printed from AcuityLogic. Each image file may be up to 25 KB in size.
- Open the Company Information window. See To open the Company Information window.
- Click the link of your company in the Company column.
The Company Information window opens.
Click Logo.
The Add Logo window opens.
- Click Select on the left side of the window to select an image to display in the AcuityLogic system.
The File Upload dialog box opens.
- Select an image file and click Open.
Click Select on the right side of the window to select an image to display on all materials printed from AcuityLogic.
The File Upload dialog box opens.
Select an image file and click Open.
To preview the logo image, click Save.
- Click Save & Close to save your selections and close the window.