Setting Up “Imported from EMR” Procedure Codes

If you have a specific procedure code mapped to a service or exam in both ExamWRITER and AcuityLogic, AcuityLogic processes the procedure code correctly if that procedure code is selected on an exam in ExamWRITER.

However, if you select a procedure code in ExamWRITER that does not exist in AcuityLogic, the procedure code displays as “Imported From Emr” when you add exam information to an order in AcuityLogic POS. A procedure code that is marked as “Imported From Emr” is not processed correctly on claims because AcuityLogic does not recognize the code as a CPT code or an exam.

When you price an order that has a procedure code that is marked as “Imported From Emr,” the following message displays:

This exam contains one or more items loaded from ExamWRITER that do not have a description and price. Invoicing this exam while the description and price are missing may cause a problem with reporting and billing. Please contact your administrator to correctly set up these items before invoicing this exam.

If you see the message about the “Imported From Emr” procedure codes, contact your administrator to complete the following procedures.

Only procedure codes that do not exist yet in AcuityLogic are displayed as “Imported From Emr.” All procedure codes that already exist in AcuityLogic do not need to be remapped or set up again.

Setting Up Imported Procedure Codes in AcuityLogic On-Premises

When a procedure code is imported into AcuityLogic On-Premises for the first time, you need to set up that procedure code in the Products module and assign a price to the item. You will also need to map the procedure code in the CPT Maintenance module.

After setting up an imported procedure code correctly in AcuityLogic Admin, call the retail office and notify the staff that orders with the imported procedure code can now be created.

This section explains how to set up imported procedure codes in AcuityLogic Admin.

If any insurance plans in your system offer unique benefits for the imported exam, you also need to modify your insurance benefit schedules accordingly.

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