What's New in AcuityLogic 8.33 for On-Premises Users

This is a draft version; the final version will publish on the anticipated release date (see below).

On-Premises Release Date: Available as of February 25, 2025

Eyefinity announces the newest version of AcuityLogic. This version resolves known issues in previous versions and offers new features and expanded functionality.

Topics include the following:

For more information on AcuityLogic features, training, and integrations, contact your account representative, or call Eyefinity at 800.942.5353.

Admin Enhancements

Admin includes enhancements in the following areas:

Credit Card Options for Patient Billing Statements

We've updated the Credit Cards Accepted drop-down list on the Patient Billing Statements tab in Company Information to list only the following cards:

  • American Express

  • Discover

  • MasterCard

  • Visa

This field enables you to select all the credit card types you want be available to print on patient billing statements. The available credit cards in your system are specified in the Payment Type Mapping window.

New Statement Logo Setup

You can now select which logo you want to appear on your patient statements.

  1. In the Company Information window, open the Patient Billing Statements and Invoice Customization menu and click the Patient Billing Statements tab.
  2. Under Statement Logo select which logo you want to print on statements.
    • No Statement Logo: Select if you do not want to print a logo.
    • Company Logo: Select to print the logo specified for your company.
    • Office Logo: Select to print the logo specified for the office generating the statement.
    • Statement Logo: Select and then click Upload Logo to upload a logo to print only on statements.
      Logos must adhere to the following specifications:
      Max Width: 140 pixels
      Max Height: 140 pixels
      Max Size: 128K
      Image Type: .PNG, .JPG, .GIF, .TIF, or .BMP

VSP Insurance Calculations Update

To support the recent improvements to the VSP Insurance Calculator, we've removed the Use BES for VSP Insurance Calculations check box from the Additional Configuration Attributes section of the Office Information window. All practices will now use the new, improved VSP Calculator functionality.

BackOffice Enhancements

Understanding How Appointment Duration is Set

The calendar in POS and Backoffice uses a new scheduling hierarchy to determine the appointment duration. The appointment duration is established based on a hierarchy of checks. The system looks at each item in the list below and uses the first defined appointment duration as the duration for the appointment being scheduled.

The system first checks for:

  • An Unavailable Exception – which is honored above all items in the hierarchy. If none, the system checks the

  • Service Template duration – if no template is defined, then it checks the

  • Service Type – if there is no service type(s) is included in the request or the Service Type duration is blank in Eyefinity Admin, then it checks the

  • Office Employee Exam Minutes – The system checks if the requested resource (provider/staff) has configured the “Employee Exam Minutes” page; specifically, for the duration for the day of the week. If blank, then it checks the

  • Employee “Default Exam Minutes” – the system checks if the requested resource (provider/staff) has defined "Exam Minutes" or “Default Exam Minutes”. If not, then it uses the

  • Final Default – which is 15 minutes.

For example: If a new patient is looking to schedule an exam online, and a service template is defined for the doctor and day selected, then the system uses the service template to determine the appointment duration. The service template allows new patient exams and sets the appointment duration at 20 minutes. Using this, the system determines an availability window from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM with an appointment duration of 20 minutes, and displays open appointment slots starting at 8:00 AM and incrementing by 20 minutes, so the patient can select from appointment slots of 8:00 AM, 8:20 AM, and 8:40 AM.

Billing Enhancements

Billing includes enhancements in the following areas:

Billing Patient Statement Format Updates

To make patient statements clearer and to help make collection of patient past due balances easier, we've made updates to the formatting of the summary and detailed patient statements that print in Billing.

Here are some of the key changes you will see:

  • Payment information has moved from the bottom to the top section of the statement and is now presented in a table that is easier to read. Patients will now detach and return this top section.

  • The locations of your logo, address, and phone number have changed.

  • For statements printed in detailed format, adjustment reasons now appear in the Comments column next to the applicable line items, instead of at the bottom of the statement. This information will continue to print at the bottom for summary patient statements.

Related Claims Shown in Claim Detail

To make it easier to see all related claims for coordination of benefits orders, we've added a Related Claims field to the Claim Detail screen. Click the claim number link(s) to open the related claim(s).

Generate Monthly Aged Balancing Report and Aged Claim Report by Service Date

We've updated the Monthly Aged Balancing Report (GB119) and Aged Claim Report (GB106) to enable you to select a service date range to print.

Generate Billing Transaction Report by Carrier Name

We've updated the Billing Transaction Report (GB117) to enable you to select one or more Carrier Names to print.

Faster Claim Search by Insurance Plan

To speed up searching for claims by insurance plan when the selected Carrier has a very large number of plans, we've updated the Plan drop-down field in Claim Search to display no more than 200 plans. Previously, retrieving plans for some carriers would take up to 10 minutes.

Generate Patient Letter Renamed to Generate Statement

We've renamed the Generate Patient Letter options in the Claim Search and Claim Detail screens to Generate Statement.

Claims Automatically Retransmitted After VSP Interface Gateway Timeout

If there is a Gateway Timeout problem with the VSP interface that temporarily prevents claims from being submitted, the claims are no longer automatically put on hold. The system now keeps the claims in Ready to Bill status and makes additional attempts to submit them every two hours, up to 10 attempts. The Claim Note on each claim is updated to show how many attempts have been made. If, after 10 attempts, the claims still cannot be submitted, they are then put on hold.

POS Enhancements

POS includes enhancements in the following area:

POS Patient Statement Format Updates

To make patient statements clearer and to help make collection of patient past due balances easier, we've made updates to the formatting of the summary and detailed patient statements.

Here are some of the key changes you will see:

  • Payment information has moved from the bottom to the top section of the statement and is now presented in a table that is easier to read. Patients will now detach and return this top section.

  • The locations of your logo, address, and phone number have changed.

  • For statements printed in detailed format, adjustment reasons now appear in the Comments column next to the applicable line items, instead of at the bottom of the statement. This information will continue to print at the bottom for summary patient statements.

Understanding How Appointment Duration is Set

The calendar in POS and Backoffice uses a new scheduling hierarchy to determine the appointment duration. The appointment duration is established based on a hierarchy of checks. The system looks at each item in the list below and uses the first defined appointment duration as the duration for the appointment being scheduled.

The system first checks for:

  • An Unavailable Exception – which is honored above all items in the hierarchy. If none, the system checks the

  • Service Template duration – if no template is defined, then it checks the

  • Service Type – if there is no service type(s) is included in the request or the Service Type duration is blank in Eyefinity Admin, then it checks the

  • Office Employee Exam Minutes – The system checks if the requested resource (provider/staff) has configured the “Employee Exam Minutes” page; specifically, for the duration for the day of the week. If blank, then it checks the

  • Employee “Default Exam Minutes” – the system checks if the requested resource (provider/staff) has defined "Exam Minutes" or “Default Exam Minutes”. If not, then it uses the

  • Final Default – which is 15 minutes.

For example: If a new patient is looking to schedule an exam online, and a service template is defined for the doctor and day selected, then the system uses the service template to determine the appointment duration. The service template allows new patient exams and sets the appointment duration at 20 minutes. Using this, the system determines an availability window from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM with an appointment duration of 20 minutes, and displays open appointment slots starting at 8:00 AM and incrementing by 20 minutes, so the patient can select from appointment slots of 8:00 AM, 8:20 AM, and 8:40 AM.

Fixed Issues

  • AcuityLogic 8.33 fixes issues in the following areas:


  • We removed the Preview button on the Admin Patient Billing Statements and Invoice customization company setup screen.

  • When a view order is defined for a drop-down list, the system respects the order defined. Previously, drop-downs displayed alphabetically.


  • The Bank Reconciliation Report now reflects the correct amounts for transactions paid with a Custom Credit Card payment type.

  • We corrected an issue causing the columns to not line up when exporting the AC105 Daily Transaction report to excel.


  • CSV files for the Aged Claims Report (GB106) totaled By Location By Carrier now correctly include office number information.


  • When you click Process New Product Shipment, it loads successfully. Previously, it would time out.
  • When clicking on the order number, you can now successfully view the order summary; previously an unknown error displayed
  • The Vendor Order Report now includes the vendor account number defined on the office.


  • Unknown errors no longer occur when adding insurance eligibilities for patients with missing address or phone information.

  • Returned orders no longer create incorrect patient balances.

  • The Bank Reconciliation Report (AC140) now reflects transactions paid with a Custom Credit Card payment type.

  • We corrected an issue causing white lines to display when viewing or printing documents with JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF file types.

  • Region displays as an option on the Miscellaneous screen of Master Data Admin. When selected, you can update your regions.

  • When merging patients, once you complete the merge, the search grid updates and the merge record is removed. Previously, both patient records continued to display in the grid after the merge.

  • Using the new VSP calculator, option codes display on the pricing screen when the calculation fails and when you calculate manually.

  • We corrected an issue where lens option codes were not being sent, causing the VSP calculator to return errors.

  • We corrected a rounding issue when calculating taxes for accessories using a tax authority. Previously, this was causing discrepancies between reporting and the invoice.

  • If using Worldpay, when you create a sales adjustment or refund, the correct amount is applied to the credit card. Previously, extra return transactions were passed to the customer's card.

  • If using Worldpay, charges and payment transactions are synched, preventing the patient from getting double charged.

  • Customer Credits from returned orders are now correctly applied to new orders using the same payment type as the original order.


  • The CLX contact supplier integration description has been renamed to Eyefinity-CLX from Optiport. When selecting the contact supplier in POS, you now see Eyefinity-CLX.