Viewing the ABB/Fait Catalog

  • This procedure is required only for locations that use ABB or Fait as their contact lens supplier. All other users can skip to Setting Up Offices for the Contact Lens Interface.
  • The Web Service used to display the catalog is in sync with the atomic clock. If your server’s time is off, the call to view the catalog may fail. If the call fails, contact your system administrator for help with maintaining your server time.
  • For multitenant environments, the following setup can be performed only by administrators of the parent company and is required only for the parent company. The parent company setup applies to all companies.

To view the ABB/Fait Catalog

  1. In AcuityLogic Admin, click Product, select Contact Lens, and select Styles.

    The Contact Lens Styles window opens.

  2. From the Contact Lens Supplier drop-down list, select Eyefinity - ABB or Eyefinity - Fait depending on your integration.
  3. Click View Catalogue.

    A spreadsheet displays the items in the selected supplier’s catalog that have been correctly mapped, incorrectly mapped, and not mapped in AcuityLogic. If a contact lens is already mapped to a style in AcuityLogic, the style is indicated in the Mapped Style column. If a contact lens is already mapped to a style in Eyefinity-ABB/Fait, the style is indicated in the Catalog Style column. If cells in the Mapped Style column are empty, you must map the style in AcuityLogic. To map any unmapped styles or to correct any incorrect mappings, see Mapping Styles for the Contact Lens Interface.

    The data in spreadsheet columns E, F, and G must be entered into the AcuityLogic mapping fields.

    Items at the bottom of the spreadsheet that are displayed beginning in column E are available in the Eyefinity-ABB/Fait catalog but have not been added to AcuityLogic.

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